Chapter 4

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The man who was now forcefully trying to kiss a frightened Katie, pushed her away and turned around to face me. He knitted his brows as he came closer to me slowly.

"Why should I back off? Do you want to replace her instead? I really don't mind" he says. His stinking breath smells like smoke. His lips are dark, dry and cracked. My god, he looks so rough. How did Katie find herself in the arms of this asshole.

"Yeah I don't mind replacing her in kicking your butt! If you don't want to go back home with a black eye, you better back off." I spoke through gritted teeth. My voice is as emotionless as my expression.

I spoke in a dangerous tone just so he couldn't easily intimidate me. I'm not scared of him because of the bouncers around and the tight security in the club, but I can't say the same when we are outside the club. That is why this is our favorite club, the security here is top notch.

"You can't do shit you little cunt!" He says. He furrows his brow in confusion when I began laughing. My laughter trails off and is replaced with a murderous glare.

"I know very dangerous people in the VIP area and trust me, you don't want me to involve them" I lied through my teeth. Anything to look more intimidating. I don't know any dangerous people in the VIP area, but I can't tell him that cause he'll kick my butt.

He looks around, seems like my threat got to him. Mehn! That always works every time. "Whatever bitch, it's your loss anyway" he says and walks away abruptly.

Sky approaches Katie and I. She looks at Katie who has a frown on her face.
"What's going on? Katie are you okay?" She asks.

"No these heels are killing me!" she replies dramatically.

We went back to our seats and ordered more drinks. I was high as fuck after taking a few more drinks. Katie was tired and wanted us to head back home. But, Sky insisted we stay back and have more fun since the night is still young. She initiated a game of dare for use to play.

"Okay Sky, this one is for you. I dare you to flash your boobs to that hot bartender" I said with a smirk.

"What!? That is insane! How do you expect me to do that!?" She asks with wide eyes.

"Well you asked for it" Katie says, giggling like a child. I'm happy she is having a good time after what happened earlier.

"No way! Can I do something else pretty please? I'm actually crushing on that bartender. What would he think of me if I flash him my boobs? He'll think I've gone nuts!" She says and we chuckled.

"Then how about giving a random guy a blow job?" I ask.

"What!? Eww! That's even harder! I don't want a random cock in my mouth!" She yells. Katie and I laughed at her situation.

"Okay final option. How about twerking on top of the counter in front of the bartender you're crushing on?" Katie suggested.

"Oh jeez! Can you guys leave the bartender out of this please?" Sky pleads.

"No, you have to choose one between the three options" I replied.

She sighs. "Fine, I'll do the last one" She gulps down her drink and made her way to the counter.

I see the bartender ask her a question,  probably asking if she wants a drink. She shakes her head and climbs on top of the counter while he tries to stop her, but she is too stubborn to listen to him.

Katie and I burst out laughing so hard when she began twerking akwardly. The bartender gaped at her in shock but my girl didn't give a fuck. She was busy doing her thing confidently while he pleaded for her to get down.

We laughed even harder when a bouncer lifted her up like she weighed nothing. She was throwing her legs up in the air before he brought her down to her feet.

She adjusted her black gown and staggered her way back to our table. She huffs and rolls her eyes when she met us laughing.

"That was so fucking hilarious. You should have seen the bartender's face when you began twerking. Poor guy had no idea what to do" Katie says, cleaning the tears from her eyes as a result of too much laughter.

"Haha very funny" Skylar said sarcastically. She turns her head to me immediately.

"Your turn Ari. I dare you to kiss a stranger" she says.

I scoff "Too easy. How about one of those guys over there?" I ask, pointing towards a group of guys. They look like college guys looking for a quick fuck.

"Uh those guys look like they'll practically lick your feet without hesitation if you ask them to" Katie says.

"No not them. I'll choose the stranger you'll kiss" Sky insisted.

She scrutinized her eyes around the club in search of the perfect stranger.
"How about him" she finally says with mischievous smirk, pointing at the man climbing down the stairs from the VIP area.

We can't see his face properly, but he is dressed in a neat black suit with three bodyguards hovering around him. He seems to be angrily barking at someone on the phone. He went to the balcony, probably due to the loud music.

"Do you think we should mess around someone like that? He looks like a very important person. And how is she going to kiss him with all the bodyguards around him? Hell, they won't even let her go close to him talk more about kissing him" Katie says and sips her drink.

"I know. Which is why I dare Aria to walk up to him and kiss him" Sky says as her smile widens.

"Fine, I'll do that. You should know me by now, I can't easily get intimidated. I'll simply grab his attention and steal a kiss from him" I said boldly.

I chugged down the last drink from my ice cup for a more confidence boost. The drink burned its way down my throat as I sauntered into the balcony where the man was standing.
He was still barking angrily at someone on the phone, so I waited.

I took the opportunity to examine him properly. This man is so fucking gorgeous. How can a man be this good looking? His dark brown hair was neatly combed to the back. He had a very sharp killer jawline that I'm pretty sure could cut through anything. And no, I'm not exaggerating, I'm stating facts.

I couldn't make out the color of his eyes yet because he was looking outside and hadn't noticed my presence yet. The black suit he wore failed to hide his muscular body. The moment his dark brown eyes fell on me, I froze.

This man is breathtaking. He is exactly my type. Of course he is everyone's type. Oh my fucking world! I'll do anything to writhe underneath him tonight.

Immediately he ended the phone call, I tried to approach him but his stupid bodyguards barricaded my path. I struggled to get past them until he waved his hands signaling them to let me through.

I approached him without breaking eye contact with him. I slowly placed my hand on his hard chest.

"Hey hot stuff" I say sweetly, with my signature killer smile. He didn't respond, he kept staring at me with a gaze that had turned cold.

I slowly trail my hand from his chest downwards, aiming for his crotch. A small gasp escapes my lips when he catches my hand before I can make it past his belt.

My smile widens. He furrows his brow, staring at me like I was some kind of alien or wild creature he was trying to figure out. Gosh! He smelled so rich and divine.

I quickly snatched my hand from him. I closed the gap between us, placing my hands around his neck. Boy! He is so fucking tall.

I slowly and confidently leaned in for a kiss. I smirk seeing as he isn't making any move to stop me.

I was about to place my lips on his when I felt my stomach muscles contract, propelling my stomach's contents out of my mouth.

Yes, I ended up vomiting on his suit instead.

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