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Makayla and Leon (So this is about Family picking the ex side and the child getting put out)

Makayla and Leon 1 year anniversary was coming up Makayla got him the newest shoes a new watch and 500 dollars

Leon only get her one thing every anniversary but she don't mind because she love him

Leon was at work while Makayla was setting up for this special day but she needed to pick up the one year Anniversary cake

Leon was at work while Makayla was setting up for this special day  but she needed to pick up the one year Anniversary cake

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Leon got off of work at 9:30pm

It was already 8:52pm

Makayla hurried and got and the car and set off to the store


Leon opened the house door and close it but not fully and took off his shoes and walked right pass the decorations

And walked upstairs and walked into the room he pushed the other lady on the bed while taking off his shirt and pants and climbing in the bed with her

9:10 walked to the door with her keys in hand she get ready to put the key in she pushed the door open and saw Leon shoes by the door and she put the bags on the table and walked upstairs she heard them doing the deed she continued walking upstairs

Knock knock

:babe you have a guest of something else home that was sleep

Leon~ No

Knock knock

:babe maybe it's just a noise or something

Leon~ Yeahh let's just continue

Makayla just walked back downstairs and grab knife walked back upstairs this time she didn't knock or anything she just leaned on the door frame and 5 minutes later she knock both Leon and his other bitch looked at Makayla


Makayla~ First of all why are you yelling and second of all let this young women leave or get hurt she choose and then put your clothing on and come downstairs at the table I'll stay
with her she gonna change in the hallway

Leon and his other lady both got off the bed and grabbed their own clothing  and the other lady went into the hallway

Makayla~ So how do you n Leon know each other

:me and Leon work together I didn't know he had a other girlfriend

Makayla~ It's okay many boys do this and the women don't know but the girls get mad at the girls and not their men

:Yeah that's true I glad you ain't mad at me because if I need I would never because if it was me

Makayla~ But why did you have sex with him when you saw my decorations downstairs for our anniversary

:Oh it's y'all anniversary well this is not a good surprise and sorry no I didn't see it I was blindfolded

Makayla~ well grab your purse and whatever else you left and I'll walk you out and You better be at that table when I turn around

The other bitch walked into the room grabbed all her belongings but she dropped her lipstick she snatched it from him and walked out the room

Makayla follow behind her and she walked out the open door and left the house

Makayla turned around after locking and closing the door

Leon~ baby happy anniversary

Makayla~ Leon go grab those gifts and the cake over their

Leon~ Oh how many gifts did you get me

Makayla~ Just bring me them

Leon put the cake and the gifts on the table

Makayla moved all the gifts on the side of her and she grabbed the first gift and opened it right in front of Leon it was the 500 dollars she just put that back into her purse she grabbed the second gift it was the watch she put that on her wrist and grab the last gift she smiled so did Leon but instead she opened it too it was the Rolex

Makayla moved all the gifts on the side of her and she grabbed the first gift and opened it right in front of Leon it was the 500 dollars she just put that back into her purse  she grabbed the second gift it was the watch she put that on her wrist...

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Leon went to grab it but instead Makayla put the knife to his hand instead and put the Rolex around her other wrist


Makayla~now Leon if you didn't care about our anniversary why should I give a fuck about it too


Makayla~ you act like a child

Leon~ I'm breaking up with you

Makayla~ Okay bye

Leon looked pissed that's when Makayla decided to grab her phone and Record his behavior just in case something happened

Leon Started walking to Makayla and he went for her wrist and tried to take off the Rolex she pushed him He gave up and got all his things and walked out the house throwing the cake at her and pop the balloons

Makayla made sure he was gone official and she opened the door and quickly changed the locks and door keys

24 hours later

Makayla was sitting in her room reading the Bible her phone started blowing up because last night she went to the pawn shop and pawn the watch and Rolex

She got 300,000 dollars for the Rolex and 450 for the watch

It been going on like that for 2 hour

Her parents blew her phone up her Sisters cussed her out 7 times and her brothers tried getting a whole a her


Makayla got up to go check the door

It was Leon other women and my BROTHER!!

Makayla opened the door  she waved at her brother and invited him in the other girl didn't say anything

: Kay this is my friend he told me what happened yesterday night

Makayla~ aye it's  nothing to trip over but everybody on his side and that is how it is gonna stay I'm not gonna change a thing

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