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I didn't expect to even try to make a story •-•
I'm actually scared if I didn't post again because I didn't have anymore ideas
So please don't judge since it's my first book
Give ideas if you want, maybe I'll add it to the next chapter


It was late, puddle of water could be shown in the road, seems like it just stopped raining. Shadow could be seen walking down a dark alley, with a frown plastered on his face. 'This would be hard.' He thought as he examine the place.

"Mr. Shadow, the boss wants to meet you in his office." Rouge spoke, waiting for Shadow to enter the boss office. Shadow sighed as he stood up, walking to the office. He stood in front of the door for a second before knocking, "Come in." The boss spoke with his deep voice.

Shadow heard this and entered the room. "You wanted to see me?" Shadow muttered, making his way closer. "Sit down" The boss said calmly "I have a mission for you, I need you to track a certain guy." The boss slides a file related to the said guy. Shadow took the file and read through it.

"Storm... The Albatross?" Shadow questioned. "Indeed. He seems close to Jet who has been gone since last month, who knows? Maybe he has the information related to the lost guy." The boss replied. "No one has to know we are trying to search for clues of the disappearance of Jet. So let's keep this task between us and Rouge." He continued.

Shadow thinks of this for a split second before nodding, "Alright, I'll take the task." Shadow spoke. "Wonderful! The task will start by tomorrow, make sure no one else except us three knew about this task." The boss commented, "Also, we're going to have a meeting tomorrow related to this. At 7 PM, don't be late." He added.
Flasback ends

Shadow sighs as he lean against the wall of the dark alley, he look to the side and.. A hedgehog? "What?.. Who are you and..." Shadow voice trails off as he saw a dead body, lying in the ground. It looks like they got stabbed multiple times in the heart. "You.. Killed..." Shadow looks back at the mysterious hedgehog but.. He was nowhere to be found.

Shadow was conflicted and left the alley, thoughts running around his head. 'Well that was weird.. That hedgehog was fast to escape. But I will catch him next time we encounter each other again.' He thought as he fasten his pace towards his house to get some rest and call it a day.

Meanwhile, Sonic was running through a hallway, with thoughts running around his head. 'What if he found out I'm an assassin? I haven't even hide the body!' Suddenly he stops on his track, staring at a dark oak door.

Knock.. Knock..

"I'm home.." Sonic mumbled, marching his way to the couch. "Hey Sonic, you're home early than usual." Tails questioned while making a warm coffee for him. "Ugh... I didn't get to dispose the body. There was this guy with a fancy suit hiding in the same alley where I dispose the bodies.." Sonic explained, scoffing at the mention of the said guy. Tails listened to this and just hummed, "Anyways, can you get me some bandaids? I got a few cuts here and there." Sonic added as he shifted to the cut around his arm.

"Of course you got hurt.." Tails sighed and went to get bandaids.

Sonic smile turn into a frown, wondering about the agent.

'Who was that mysterious guy?'


Ok, prologue is done! I'll try to keep you guys updated, sometimes I forgot to update.

The art belongs to the original artist!

Word count: 631 words

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