Chapter 2: Truth

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Darkness consuming the sky, lights on the side of the rode starts shining. Sonic was walking down an alley to hid the body of his target, his watch shows it was midnight, he barely gets any sleep and he's going back to work on his morning shift. How great.

Sonic threw the body into the dumpster and laid back against the wall, he sighed, until he heard a click near him. The blue hedgehog raises his head to see the purple cat, Blaze. She aimed the gun to his forehead.

"I knew it.. You're one of them. I'm not going to let you kill Amy, I don't want to risk losing someone I love.. Not again..." She muttered.

"I'm sorry Blaze..."

"But I need the money for me and Tails.."

Is it too long or need to be longer? 🌝

A kick landed on the gun, making Blaze lose her opportunity to shoot. Sonic didn't wait any second and sprint to his apartment.

Blaze stare at the running hedgehog, cursing as she picks up her gun and went home.

Knock.. Knock...

"Coming..." A soft sugary voice can be heard from inside, Blaze listens to the key rattling before the door opened. "??.. Oh hey Blaze, back from your duty?" The pink hedgehog waited for the cat to come in, Blaze just nodded and head in.

"I found some... Clues.. About the murders that were happening in the city. But I'm still not sure.. It's just too much to process." Blaze groaned, settling down on the couch.

Amy sat beside her, covering Blaze and herself with a blanket. "You need to rest.. It's midnight.." She murmured, snuggling beside the purple cat.

Blaze sighed and closed her eyes, slowly drifting into her slumber.

The next morning came slowly, Amy was still deep in her sleep while Blaze was already up staring at her phone as she drinks her coffee.

The clock shows that it was 5 AM. 'Still early'  Blaze hummed as she took a sip of her coffee.

Knock.. Knock...

Someone was knocking on the door. The cat placed down her coffee before she bolted to the door, opening it to reveal a nervous blue hedgehog with a fox behind him.

"It's you.." Blaze sighed, "Yeah, I just want to... To..." Sonic murmured before trailing off. "Want to what?" She quiestioned, "He wants to tell the truth and explain everything to Amy." Tails answered.

They got a glare from her golden irises, this scares the hedgehog and the fox.

She finally nodded and gestures them to come inside. Before explaining the three of them chatted, something related to the disappearance. Not long after, Amy wakes up and rubs her eyes. "What is all the ruckuss?" Her emerald iris glanced at the two guest.



Haii.. Sorry for not updating, I had an exam and forgot that I have a book.
I finished chapter 2!!

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter
Cus I didn't (•~•)

The art belongs to the original artist!!

Word count: 504 words

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