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*River's POV*

Today is the day I'm landing in California, with my best friend, Hope. Thankfully her parents are letting her live with me until or if I go back to Las Vegas.

We are going to school at San Clemente High School. But we still have the whole summer til' school actually begins. And I'm gonna take this opportunity to make some more friends. So Hope and I don't get totally disconnected from everyone. Maybe even find some cute boys. 😏

Hope sadly doesn't do the whole dating thing. She's only had one boyfriend and they were pretty serious too. Not like sex and shit. That's not my Hope. I just mean they were always together. I basically had to pry them off of each other to hangout with her. But they broke up like a month before we moved, so I gotta get her happy again, before school starts.

*Hope's POV*

We just got off the airplane and I'm still a little jet lagged. I need something to eat, and knowing River, she's always down for something to eat.

"Wanna eat? Why am I even asking?" I asked

"The right question was 'what are we eating?'" River replied with a smirk on her face.

I love her but she is gonna die from eating so much, I swear. She's not fat because her fast metabolism and everything but I can totally picture when she grows up and her metabolism slows down and she'll totally fat. But I'll still love her!

"So what's good here?" River asked.

"I don't kn..." I replied before realizing she wasn't talking to me. She went up to 3 random guys in the airport and asked.

When I walked over River said "Oh guys, this is my best friend I was talking about. Her names Hope. Hope this is Chris, James, and David. They just came from a vacation in Texas."

"Hey." We all said awkwardly.

*River's POV*

I'm trying to get Hope to stop thinking about DJ. Hopefully these guys will get her mind off the break up. In a relationship way or a friendship way. As long as they make her happy.

Right after I introduced everyone to each other I sorta itched my nose and said 2. That's me and Hope calling dibs.

We go left to right which means, you go from left to right and count over how many numbers they had said and that's who you have dibs on.

I know it's weird but that's what me and Hope do. Make up stupid stuff we think is cool. The boys looked up at me confused. And I just made up and excuse.

"We're counting how many times I'll sneeze in California compared to Las Vegas." I said.

It was a dumb excuse but it worked.
(Oh and if you still don't know who I called dibs on it was James)

*Chris' POV*

"Dude that girls cute." I said

"She's alright." James said kinda checking her out at the same time.

"She's got an ass!" David basically screamed.

The girl started to walk over.

"Seriously!" I said panicked. " I think she heard us!"

The girl walked up and strait up asked "So what's good here?"

Confused we all looked at each other then started mumbling restaurants and fast food places. Then she sorta changed the subject and started talking about her best friend and there whole move down here. I was guessing she was talking about the other girl she was talking to earlier.

"We live in San Clemente but we went to Texas for vacation." James said cutting her off from the subject.

Her friend finally walked over. And River, the first girl, said "Oh guys, this is my best friend I was talking about. Her names Hope. Hope this is Chris, James, and David. They just came from a vacation in Texas."

Awkwardly we all said "Hey."

*James' POV*

"Dude that girls cute." Chris' said.

"She's alright." I said to him. But in my head all I could think about was damn she looked good. But I can't have people knowing that. Gotta act cool.

And of course David's got to yell "She's got an ass!" I mean she does but does he have to say it so loud??

I was really surprised when she just walked over. Did she see me looking at her? Did she hear what David said? Act like you don't like her. Play it cool.

When she came over we just kept mumbling about random stuff. I did some of those "that's what she said" stuff, and girls usually either say I don't get it or that's so immature. Not River she just laughed and said that was a good one or make it more awkward purposely. It was awesome, then I realized, shit I can't show I like her. So I cut her off and said "We live in San Clemente but we went to I Texas for vacation." Trying to change the subject.

When her friend came over and we all introduced each other I thought you know what her friend isn't that bad looking either. But when we started talking with HER, it was totally different. It was like there was no more fun it was just serious. You'd make a joke and she would look at you with a strait face and say "I don't get it."

*David's POV*
oh and ass.

*Hope's POV*

This was so boring. All the guys kept saying lame jokes. Most of which I didn't even understand. James made the least amount of sense. I don't get why River called dibs on HIM.

I smacked River's arm and said "Lets go!"

"Fine. Let me give you guys my number. And we'll hang out this summer." River said to the boys.

She grabbed James arm and wrote her number on his hand. Then we left to go to our new apartment.


Hey guys, I'm kinda new at this. This is my first book on Wattpad, so I hope you like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2015 ⏰

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