Chapter Thirty-Four: Mine

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Stepping onto the stage, my heart races, the sound of its pounding drowning out everything else. While everyone at the party has shown nothing but respect towards me and Amel, the memory of my mental breakdown and betrayal remains fresh in everyone's minds. The pressure of everyone's scrutiny is enough to run offstage and sob in the nearest bathroom. But I remain steadfast. No amount of shame and humiliation will keep me from giving my lover the flowers that they deserve.

Though my voice warbles initially, it strengthens as I behold Amel and express my gratitude for their dedication and devotion. As I deliver my heartfelt speech, Amel listens intently. With each sentence, their facial muscles relax, and by the end, tears shimmer in our eyes. Overwhelmed with emotion, Amel envelops me in a hearty embrace and showers me with a passionate kiss. It has only been a day, but it feels like I haven't received such romantic affection in ages.

Amel, amidst the applause, says, "Thank you, hummingbird." While saturated in pure bliss, I forget about the media and their dissections of my character. The shared harmony between me and my partner is all that truly matters.

Following my speech, Amel mesmerizes her guests with a birthday toast that inspires everyone in attendance. Her ability to captivate with words, even without the slightest preparation, never ceases to astound me.

The speeches conclude, and the party resumes in full swing. Amel and I indulge ourselves in a night of drinking, singing, dancing, and laughing amongst friends and family. The nightclub pulses with adoration, and Amel's smile grows more genuine as the night progresses. Their joy radiates, easing the anxiety that has been swimming within me. Our issues aren't resolved, but our chances of surviving this trying time seem to increase with every sentimental moment we experience.

The party thrives until 3 AM, and as we bid farewell to our friends with hugs and kisses, we plan to reunite the next day. In our slightly tipsy state, Amel and I climb back into the Range Rover. It took stern denials and bottle-snatching, but Diamond and I successfully monitored Amel's alcohol intake. She'll thank us in the morning when she wakes up without a debilitating flare-up.

Amel grows unusually quiet during the car ride, engrossed in her phone. She must be exhausted. Trying to gauge her energy levels, I ask, "Are you tired?"


I shrug off their lack of attention towards me. "Well, what would you like to do when we get back?" She doesn't give me an immediate answer, so I quickly add, "If you want to go into your room and be alone, I understand. People have been in your face all day and—"

"I heard you have another gift for me," she says, her eyes detaching from her phone.

Her gaze is so brutal and stony that I regret even wanting her attention. My stomach turns. She's referring to the lingerie set I showed off to Yeli and Keke. One of them must have drunkenly snitched. The ensemble is currently buried in the closet. I no longer wanted to see it, believing Amel wouldn't desire to touch me for weeks, if ever again.

"Y-yes," I stumble out, steeling myself to hold eye contact. I gaze towards Amel, fixating on the passing buildings through the window. The energy of New York City never wanes, even in the dead of the night. "I—um, I brought something sexy."

"I want you to show it to me."

The vehicle comes to a halt. As we enter the apartment building, not one gossip journalist awaits us. Earlier, Amel protected me from a crowd of paparazzi, successfully making a grown man shit his pants. Witnessing her actions, I doubt anyone will dare to ask me a messed-up question again in her presence.

Although the question hurt me, I was also concerned for the paparazzo. Amel approached him so aggressively that I feared she would execute a flying kick at his jaw. Even after he apologized profusely, she continued to harass him until I subtly tugged at her, signaling that he got the message. The whole fiasco was validating and, to be honest, incredibly sexy. I've been dancing on the edge of pure arousal ever since, with Qui Qui only intensifying my desires further. I thought I would have to satisfy myself with a trusty vibrator, but it seems that Amel has plans for us. These plans both excite and terrify me.

Between Reel and Reality (Lesbian Romance)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें