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minhitsonhoes: okay but like…
seen: 4:52am

minhitsonhoes: would you like me if i were to be older?
seen: 4:54am

highonhan: dude. what now.

minhitsonhoes: finallyyyyyyy

minhitsonhoes: you've answered daddy

highonhan: …what….

minhitsonhoes: AUTOCORRECT I SWEAR

highonhan: okay…

minhitsonhoes: trust it was supposed to be

minhitsonhoes: you've answereddddd

highonhan: alr whatever

highonhan: but what.

minhitsonhoes: oh

minhitsonhoes: yeah answer the question

highonhan: i literally know nothing about you

highonhan: what goes through your head to attempt to hit up on a sixteen yr old and then ask something so stupid

minhitsonhoes: why didn't you answer me at 4am?

highonhan: ..? you woke me up and then expect an answer..?

minhitsonhoes: obv

highonhan: you're like

minhitsonhoes: like?

highonhan: so immature

minhitsonhoes: says you

highonhan: …so… do you see what i mean?

minhitsonhoes: what

highonhan: i'm just gonna… go back to sleep

minhitsonhoes: eugh

minhitsonhoes: oh btw nothing goes through my head when i, “hit up on a 16yr old and ask whatever”

highonhan: i can tell.

minhitsonhoes: no wait

minhitsonhoes: nothing as in

minhitsonhoes: yhmmm
seen: 9:13am

minhitsonhoes: wait.
seen: 9:14am

minhitsonhoes: oh!
seen: 9:18am

minhitsonhoes: nvm.
seen: 9:19am

minhitsonhoes: actu
delivered: 9:19am

minhitsonhoes: nvm, goodnight?
delivered: 9:20am

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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