Chapter 1: I'm a necromancer?

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Chapter 1: I'm a necromancer?

Nate was an ordinary man, and he was late for work. He looks at himself in the mirror as he puts on his tie. His mom got it for him last Christmas. It was dark blue with light blue vines and purple flowers. Nate works at a funeral home surrounded by bodies and death all the time. After working on his tie for a bit, he remembered that it's his day to prepare some bodies for some funerals.

"Fuck, I should have put on my black button-up shirt today," Nate said.

On his way to work, Nate tried to call his wife for the fourth time, but no call has been going through.

"That's weird. I am going to have to talk to my phone provider again!" Nate said

Nate walks to the prep room and starts to pull a few people out of the big industrial fridge. As he is getting one of them named Mr.Westcut dressed, he passes out.

It is time for the human race to join the game.
Nate wakes up, but he can't see anything but black, and then

Error Error Error
DNA was not found.
Error Error Error
Solution eradicating

"Hold on, I can't die." Nate said "AND YOU WON'T" A disembodied voice said

Error, Error, Err...
Divine intervention
The death touch has been bestowed upon you.
A level breaker has been bestowed upon you.
You are Death's necromancer.
You are level 5 xp 1670.

Nate's eyes open quickly, still in the prep room. "What was that? Did I breathe in some chemicals or something?"

A new system message
A new mission is available, "The Beginning," to kill 10 level 5 monsters. optional kill 5 level 6 monsters
A new system message
One armor loot box was added to inventory.
One weapon loot box was added to inventory.
One item loot box added to inventory

"I have an inventory." Nate said. Right when he said inventory, a floating screen popped up with a list of items: "armor loot box?" Nate said

"I am going crazy." I hit my head when I passed out. I can't be in a video game!" Nate said, "Ok, Nate, you are ok. You are not crazy. You just hit your head, and you need to get some help." Nate said frantically right after saying that Nate began to notice something was off and the body he was working on was no longer on the table. As Nate got off the ground, he was taped on the shoulder, and he turned to see Mr. Westcut.

"Hello sir" mr.westcut said

"What the fuck?" Nate said, "How how are you alive?" Nate stuttered

"I don't know, but what I do know is that I was chosen to be your guide in this new world you are in, so if you have any questions, please let me know." Westcut said

"Ok, what is going on?"

"Well, that's an easy one. You and everyone else that is human have been chosen by the gods to join the game," said Westcut.

"Ok, so what is the game?" asked Nate.

"Well, that's a little harder to answer, but to put it in a way for you to understand, it's for the gods entertainment, they take a race at the pinnacle point and give them the power to join in the Great War," said Westcut.

"We are going to fight a war," said Nate.
"Oh no, no one on this planet is close to the level to fight in the war; you guys don't even have any factions yet," said Westcut.

"Ok, so what am I?" Nate asked.

"You, well, you are definitely different, but because I am here in the way I am, I would say you were chosen by Death himself to bring forth his will in the war, and on this planet, you are lucky he has never chosen a champion," said Westcut.

"So I am the grim reaper in a way," Nate asked.

"In a way, I guess you are right," said Westcut.

"So what powers do I have?" asked Nate.

"Have you not looked over your statistics and powers yet? I would give that a look," said Westcut.

As soon as Nate thought about stats and powers, two screens popped up.

Death's grasp: using your hand or a weapon, when you make contact with a target, you will take life force and heal yourself.
The voice of the dead: you may command five undead to fight for you, but they will be two levels below yourself.

Straight: 150
Dexterity: 150
Agility: 150
Intelligents: 150
Perception: 150

Now that Nate thinks about it, he has gotten taller and more muscular. "Am I really a magic death guy now?" said Nate in his head.

"Now that you are the highest level on earth as of right now, at this point in time, it's your job to become stronger and start a faction," said Westcut.

"Hold on, I can't do that, and how am I at the highest level?" asked Nate.

"Well, you wouldn't be, but because the god of death wanted you, you got a head start, and if you want to live a long life and keep family and loved ones alive, the best way is to stay the strongest and become the most powerful faction in your world," said Westcut.

"The strongest must be the strongest."

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