Chapter 2: The Strongest Man

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Chapter 2: The Strongest Man
Nate contemplates what Westcut was saying, repeating the words "I must become the strongest," as he thinks this Westcut changes from a funeral-style suit to a more traditional Butler style.
"How did you do that?" asked Nate.
"Well, it would seem I have my own inventory, which is not as good as yours. I can only hold 10 items as of now. You should really go through yours so you can get ready for your first mission." said Westcut
As soon as Nate started thanking his inventory again, it appeared with three items in it.
One armor loot box
One weapon loot box
One-item loot box
Nate taped his finger on the armor loot box, and it appeared in his hand: a small wooden crate. He tapped the box, and it opened with a purple light. Slowly, leather chest armor would rise from the box and disappear, as if nothing happened. Nate had a full set of armor set on his body, which is black and brown leather armor covering from his neck to his feet in leather.
System message
You have been given armor of the dead; all undead will bow to you and not attack.
Nate goes to find the closest mirror to give himself a look. "Wow, I kind of look pretty cool," said Nate. Nate then looks back at the other loot boxes and picks up the item box. "I want to save my weapon for last so I can have the most time with it," said Nate in his head.
Nate opened the box, and a hooded cloak appeared before him. It then rapped itself around him and then rested on his shoulders.
System message
Cloak of the Dead Emperor Cloak of the Dead Emperor gives off an aura of fear. Using this aura, you can make humans bow to you unless they are the same level or higher.
Nate looks at his new cloak, a simple gray cloak with black lining but with so much power. "Westcut, what do you think? Do I look too edgy?" asked Nate.
"No, sir, I think you look strong. You will make a great emperor of this planet," answered Westcut.
"Hold on, emperor of the planet, does that mean death gave me this cloak on purpose, the cloak of the dead emperor?" asked Nate.
"That could be why, but I don't have all the answers to what death wants from you or what his end goal is. I just know he wants you for a reason. I don't know the reason, but I do know he let me come back from the land of the dead so that I may help you in this world and maybe help with other things in the future," answered Westcut.
Nate took a bit to think about what Westcut had said and how he looked. Nate then brought out the weapon box, and when he opened it, a sword came out. It became bigger, about the size of a short sword with a worn red guard, pommel, and black handle, but the blade was so black it was like a black hole. I would get in trouble with the gods if I were to look at it for too long.
System message
Death bringer: the sword made by Death himself out of a piece of his own scythe. This sword's ability is to bring permanent death to anyone who is killed by it; nothing can bring them back, not even Death himself.
Nate picks up the sword, and as soon as it's in his hand, he can fill the power going through his body like an adrenaline rush or like the best drugs he has ever had.
"Oh, fuck Westcut, what is happening to me right now?"
"Well, sir, your powers and your new items are all working together, so your body is feeling all that energy going through you. You will be ok in a minute or two. While your body goes through that, we are going to have to talk about your plans."
"What plans are you talking about?" asked Nate.
"Well, sir, you have your first mission and you have a mission you don't know about yet, but first, let's talk about the monster killing mission. You have to kill 10 level 5 monsters, and you have the optional mission to kill 5 level 6 monsters, which is possible, but the problem is you have no training in a fighting style, so I am going to have to run you through it quickly," explained Westcut.
Westcut then made a sword come out from behind his back. "Okay, sir, mirror me." After about an hour of practice, Westcut Nate started looking around at where he was and realizing he was still at work.
"Westcut, can you help me with a few of the people here? Because if I am really the one death has in charge of the dead, I must do my job right."
Nate would begin to pick up bodies, bring them outside, and lay them all out one by one bury them one by one.
"West, is there a prayer that death would like me to say for them?" asked Nate.
"No, as there are so many plants of different races that all say different prayers, it is up to you to make the decision on what to say since you are the first real chosen of death."
"Ok, here it goes."
Nate puts one hand out as if he were going to cast a spell on the bodies: "I am the death chosen, so it is I who led you to him. I, the reaper, give you to my Lord Death." In that moment, death himself made himself known: "I DEATH AM CALLED TO BRING THE SOULS OF THE DEAD TO THE WORLD BEYOND."
"Lord Death, I think we chose the right person here," said Westcut.
"Ok sir I think it's is time we get on with ourselves we have some monsters to kill"
"No Westcut I I have a different mission I need to find my wife and family!"

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