chapter twenty six

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Lily leaned her head back, letting it rest on the arm of the couch as she let out a deep exhale along with a cloud of smoke. She coughed a few times as the air left her lungs, laughing as the weed burned her throat and choked her. The lack of oxygen was almost as thrilling as the tingling feeling she felt all over her body. Kurt grinned and placed the cigarette he was holding between her lips, letting her inhale the smooth nicotine and kissing the side of her head, gazing at her adoringly. Lily sat up and smiled at him as she took another hit of the joint in her hand. Her eyes drifted shut and her body started moving slightly to the beat of the music that was playing from the TV. They were watching Labyrinth and as soon as Magic Dance started playing, Lily jumped up off of the couch, handing the joint to Kurt and stealing the cigarette from his lips before his bloodshot blue eyes even registered that she had moved. Lily danced around the room and sang along to the music and Kurt watched her, utterly entranced by her. She floated and spun as if the music was running through her veins, moving her body exactly how it should.

"How do you do that?" he asked when the song was over and she fell to the floor in front of him, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

"Do what?" Lily breathed. She pulled herself into an upright position and took a long drag from the cigarette she was somehow still holding. She tried (and failed) to blow smoke rings and giggled to herself, her eyes shining bright with joy.

"Dance like that," Kurt replied. "How do you know exactly how to move to whatever song happens to be playing?"

Lily sat thinking for a minute, turning the question over and over in her head as she tried to figure out what the right words were and how to put them together so they made sense. She lit a new cigarette before responding. "Well, it's like this:" she said at last. "When I listen to music, it's almost like I can feel it in my body. So I close my eyes, listen, and then I just let myself move around in whatever way feels right. I don't really know how to explain it other than that."

Kurt didn't answer, he just looked at her with his eyes wide and his lips curved in a small smile. "Do you even know how amazing you are?"

Lily blushed and looked away, putting her hands over her face to try and cover the huge grin that was spreading over it. Silently, she crawled over to where Kurt was sitting and wrapped her arms around one of his legs, resting her head on his knee and staring up at him. "You're too sweet to me," she whispered.

Kurt stared at her; her cheeks were flushed the color of a fresh rose, her pouty lips promising all the sweetness of a ripe cherry, and her big, romantic, brown eyes framed by long black lashes that threatened to drown him if he looked too deep. He reached out and touched her gently, tracing the tips of his fingers down the side of her face, and leaned closer to her until their lips just barely touched; he felt her breath catch in her throat and her face start to heat up again as her heart raced from the closeness.

"I could give you the moon and that wouldn't be enough," Kurt breathed, his sky blue eyes still locked with hers. "I'm not nearly as sweet as you deserve."

Lily bit her lip. Her eyes filled with tears that threatened to spill down her face, and she didn't want to cry – even if the tears were happy – so she threw her arms around Kurt's neck, her lips crashing against his as she pulled him off the couch and onto the floor next to her. The drugs made every sensation ten times stronger, driving Lily wild as she kissed him. Kurt wrapped his arms around her waist, his hand traveling up her back to gently stroke her hair as he returned the kiss with just as much passion and hunger. He sunk his teeth into her bottom lip, taking the opportunity to slide his tongue into her mouth when her lips parted and she let out a soft moan of pain and pleasure.

The rest of the world evaporated into nothingness as they sat on the floor of their apartment, overwhelming their senses with the taste and feeling of each other. Lily could see stars flickering behind her closed eyelids, electricity coursing through her veins and making every inch of her body hum to life. It was deliciously intoxicating, the feeling of being set on fire every place that Kurt's skin touched hers.

After who knows how long – hours? Days? – they broke apart. Lily leaned into Kurt, her head resting on his shoulder as they both gasped for air. She dragged her hand across his chest, pressing it to his ribs where she felt his heart hammering against her palm; Lily smiled knowing that her heart was beating just as hard, just as fast.

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