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[ current ]


the wind was fresh and breezy, jisung really liked it.

"oh, yeah! there they are!" felix squealed, pointing his small fingers towards a duo.

the two other boys walked over and sat across from jisung and felix on the bench.

"hi, hyungs!" jeongin grinned, happy to see his 2 other hyungs again, discluding seungmin.

"hey" seungmin greeted, pulling his bag onto  the bench, sighing in relief as the heavy weight is off his shoulders.

"heyy!" felix grinned, immediately feeling at home with his closet friends.

jisung has met seungmin and jeongin before, but he's not very close with the two. he finds seungmin to be quite funny, and jeongin to be absolutely adorable in his opinion. both of them mix well, their a good pair in jisung's opinion.

"hey" jisung mirrored shyly, smiling softly at the two new boys.

"sorry we're a bit late, me n' jeongin had to ask our professer for help on a group assignment." seungmin smiled apologetically, checking his bag to double-check if he still had his notes, panicking when he realized he didn't.

"hyung, i have it-" jeongin cackling, smiling bright as he watches seungmin glare at him. "god, i almost thought i didn't have them.." seungmin chuckled.

jisung and felix laughed at the two in amusement.

"nah, it's alright man." felix smiled in a forgiving manner. the tips of his lips were tugged up and his eyes were squinting and his cheeks puffed up sweetly.

seungmin smiled,

"it's not that cold for september, honestly." the light brown-haired boy commented, which the others agreed to hastly.

"right? you'd expect it to be colder." jisung said, letting his crocheted sweater slip down from his shoulders lightly.

"yah! han jisung!" a voice yelled from afar, a voice all too familiar. heat rushed to jisung's cheeks as he shrieked from attention being brought to him, by a certain hoe for art.

jisung sighed, motioning his roommate over, also unintentionally bringing another kinda-familiar-kinda-unfamiliar person along.

"hyunjin, what's up?" jisung smiles comfortably.

"me and minho saw you while we were walking to a new restaurant near here, and I thought 'why not say hi?~', so now im saying hi!" hyunjin smiled, hand gesturing to minho.

"jisung, who's this?" felix asked curiously, looking at his best friend.

"oh! hyunjin is my roommate, and minho is hyunjin's friend I guess." jisung smiled, before introducing them all to eachother in a rather vague manner, but nobody minded much. how else are you supposed to introduce somebody?

"ahh~ you guys wanna sit with us? we're just having lunch here." felix invited warmly, being the extrovert he is.

"me and minho would love that." hyunjin smiled, answering for him and minho as they claimed the unused spots beside jeongin.

"so, what are your guy's majors?" jeongin asked curiously, looking around the table.

"me 'n felix have music as our majors" jisung shrugged, before felix added on.

"that's how we met, actually!"

"im a practical English major. what about you, hyung?" hyunjin revealed.

oh, so minho is the oldest here.

"im a psychology major." minho smiled awkwardly, seemingly uncomfortable with new people.

"could've never guessed." seungmin says sarcastically, "that's not a bad thing though, I've heard psychology is difficult?" seungmin guesses, the snickering slowly dying down.

"somewhat, but it's not hard to manage." minho says, seemingly uneasy.




tbh this got hard to write at the end BUT I MEANN.....

seungin 😳😳

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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