Chapter 11

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We all woke up, and were gathered in the living room while Jace was upstairs in his nursery. Then someone knocked on the door, and we all peeked over the stairs.

Dawne got up to go see who was at the door. When she opened it she was instantly killed. We all ran upstairs, and into Jazmine's and Ashton's room because it was the farthest.

Once we got into the room we locked the door. We started to hear something, so we all became quiet and listened very carefully. It was Jace crying.

"OH SHIT!" Jazmine quietly yelled.

"What?!" Ashton said in the finest voice.

"I forgot my baby!"

Jazmine unlocked the door, and walked out.

"Lock the door, and don't let anyone come in unless you hear 3 knocks." Jazmine yelled.


We just started to hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs, and then we hear Jace cry.

We finally heard 3 knocks, and we heard Jazmine yell, "Hurry he's on his way up the stairs!"

We were able to open the door, just before the clown made it. We all jumped out the window to get away, and I was glad we did because he just then knocked down the door. We ran and ran until we got to Jazmine's cousin's house. She said his name was Michael. He was probably ugly as shit. Oh damn was I wrong.

Michael hugged Jazmine, and invited the rest of us in.

I wasn't trying to make it obvious that I liked Michael, so I tried not to stare. He started to talk to us, and they had me tell the story. After I told him the story he said he was sorry about what had happened and he hugged me.

I felt butterflies, and I saw sparks flying.

"Michael, get off of her!" Jazmine yelled.

Michael let go, and he smiled at me. He showed us to our to rooms. Of course Ashton and Jazmine share a room and Jace lives in there too. Then Jackie and I share a room, and Michael has is own room.

Jackie went to get food, and Michael and I were having a conversation.

"I'm sorry about your family and what happened to them." Michael said to me.

"It's okay. I have great friends to help me get through it."

"Yea. That's good to have friends like that."

"Yea. I'm glad I have them."

Jackie came back upstairs, and said, "Okay I got us some food, now let's watch a movie."

"Okay I'll be there in a second." I said goodnight to Michael, and went to watch a movie with Jackie. While we watched the movie we both fell asleep.


I woke up to Jazmine breathing in my face.


"Yes Jazmine."

"Can you watch Jace for a little while?"

This was the moment I thought would never come. I had to watch Jace. I HATE kids. That is the one thing that I hate more than anything, but I couldn't say no to my R.O.D.


I went downstairs to go watch the brat, and I had Jackie help me.

Jazmine's P.O.V

"Zenon agreed to watch Jace so we have plenty of time."

Ashton and I started passionately kissing each other. I went straight to take off his shirt. Then he did the same to me, but also took off my shorts.


"Happy one month anniversary babe." Ashton said.

"Thanks babe you too. I love you."

"I love you too."

Zenon's P.O.V

Michael, Jackie, and I could hear Jazmine and Ashton all the way upstairs.

"Auntie, what are Mommy and Daddy doing upstairs?" Jace asked me.

"Mommy and Daddy are watching watching a scary movie." I said.

"Is that why they're moaning, and mommy screamed?" he asked me with curious eyes.

"Yea. That's why." Jackie said.


After about 2 hours Jazmine and Ashton came downstairs.

"Why did that take so long?" I asked Jazmine.

"We had a lot of fun." Ashton said budding in.

For the rest of the day we watched movies, ate food, until an unexpected guest arrived for some fun.


I asked Michael if he had locked all his doors. He shook his head.

"We need to lock all the doors, and then check the house." I said.

"Why?" Michael asked.

"There's an evil clown trying to kill us." Jackie said. I went around the house locking all the doors, and checking every room. Jackie helped me in case I needed back up. We were at the last door, and we opened it but there was no one there. We were safe. Thank the gods because if we had that clown in the house it would sure come after Jackie first, and I didn't want her to die. She was my best friend I need her in my life.

After that shock we all went to bed. Before I went to bed the first thing I did was lock the door, and hold on to my weapon as tight as I could. You never know what could happen in the middle of the night. I was finally able to fall asleep after forgetting about that ugly, scary ass clown.

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