His reaction to you being asleep when he gets home

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  He had come home from a 2 weeklong mission taking down HYRA bases. It's about 5 in the morning when Steve, Sam and Bucky get home. They hear the tv playing in the living room, Steve walks in to see you asleep on the couch with Kate and Yelena on the floor in front of you. " I'll get Y/N, if y'all get the other two and take them to bed," he instructed the other two. Steve slowly picks you up and makes his way to your shared bedroom. As he sits you on the bed, you wake up. "Hi Stevie, how did the mission go" you ask sitting up looking at him as he changes clothes. "It went swimmingly, I am going to take a shower and I will join you back in bed." He takes a quick shower, and quickly joins you in bed pressing you against his chest as you drift back to sleep.  


  You fought sleep so hard, but it sadly took over before you could greet Tony home from a mission. You fell asleep reading your favorite book laying in your shared bed. As soon as Tony got home, he rushed around the compound looking for you. He finally made his way to the bedroom, seeing you asleep across the bed and your book on the floor defiantly losing your spot. He takes a shower washing off all the dirt and grime. When he reenters the bedroom, he sees you are now on his side of the bed cuddling his pillows. He lets out a chuckle and climbs onto your side of the bed. Pulling you close to his chest and drifting off to sleep. 


  He had to go Hulk out with the Avengers leaving you to do your work for just a week, but it was the longest you have been apart from each other since you go together. When he got home it was about night, you had fallen asleep at your that you trying to finish before Bruce got home, but you feel asleep before you could. When Bruce got home, he searched all of the rooms you could except for your office it was the last place. When he finally found he quickly picked you up carrying you to your room. He sets you down on the bed and crawls in the other side and falls fast to sleep. 


  He went on a camping trip with a few other guys, as like a guy camping trip. They had been gone for a week, they were going to get at some point, but you didn't know when. When it got to be midnight you couldn't stay awake anymore to you fell asleep, you feel the bed move "you couldn't wait for me could you" you hear your boyfriend say. You turn over to look at him "No, I couldn't I tried so hard to stay awake, but I couldn't" Clint pulled you closer to him and you both drift off. 


  Thor had been in Asgard for a few months, and you didn't know when he was coming back. You were going on your life you had made it official into the Avengers, you wanted to share the excitement with him, but he wasn't around. One morning you woke up to a pair have strong arms around you. You instantly jump out of bed a go into a fighting stance, and you realize it's Thor. He sits up confused, "good morning, M'Lady" he says in his sexy morning voice. "Thor your home," you squeal and jump into his arms.  


  He had taken you to Asgard with him, but he had important business to tend to on earth. He had been gone for almost a month. His mother has kept you company, but it wasn't the same. When he finally gotten home you were fast asleep in his bed with a pile of books on the floor. He crawls in bed with you and falls asleep.


   Bucky going on missions without was a come thing, you are going on your mission sense you are running your own team of Avenger. You came home early from your mission beat to shit, with a shattered leg and a busted face. You got curbed stomped but only lightly. After you got done getting bandaged up. All you wanted to do is curl up with Bucky in bed and just sleep. But you couldn't, you had to be up for 24 hours monitored. You finally made it to hour 24, you crashed on the couch where you were. Kate and Yelena were with you to make sure you didn't die in your sleep. After sleeping for 12 hours, you were awakened to someone screaming. "Where is she and why wasn't informed, she almost died" you here Bucky yell from the kitchen. "Bucky I'm in here" you shout. He runs up to you sees you are all bandaged up, and he just holds you as if you are going to just disappear.


  Wong needed help dealing with some sort of mission, so Stephen went, and you stayed home. He has been gone longer than expected. You were getting worried; you did everything you could to distract yourself. You made all kinds of baked goods, started a book (got bored), did a few puzzles, TikTok got boring really quickly, there was no good YouTube videos out, so you decided to try and sleep even though you had a hard time sleeping without him. You tossed and turned for a long while, finally you were able to at 3 in the morning. When you woke up there was a steaming cup of coffee the way you liked, and a croissant you had baked the day before. "Stephen" you run out of the room screaming, he comes down from the balcony wearing his cape. "Hello darling how were you while I was gone? 


  May had let you into the apartment while he was on a field trip with his nerd club, you when laying in his bed doing homework when you fell asleep. Peter came home around 5 pm, Peter enters the bedroom and sees you passed out. "Y/N it's time to wake up Aunt May is ordered pizza; it should be here 20 minute" he says quietly. As soon as you see him you quickly hug him as tight as you can. "I missed you Peter," " I missed you too Y/N".


  He went with Steve and Nat to go find the Winter Soldier. He had been gone for days, and you were getting worried. You were watching your favorite movie francize to keep your mind off of Sam, at some point you had fallen asleep. You were then woken by Sam coming through the front door with Steve and Nat. You tried to make it look like you hadn't just woken up. "Have a nice nap there darling" Sam asks laughing. You roll your eyes and get up to hug him.  

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