Change the Name Game

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Percy Jackson has updated his status

Who's up for round 2 of the Change your Name Game?

Aphrodite: Me!

Leo Valdez: Me.

Piper McLean: Me

Annabeth Jackson: I'm down.

Jason Grace: Sure.

Clarisse la Rue: Sure. Here's another thing to beat Jackson at

Frank Zhang: ok

Percy Jackson: Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Aphrodite, Jason, Clarisse Frank and me. Log off this chat to change your name.

Percy Jackson has created a new chat

Peecy: Hi!

NeonSweatshirt: Clarisse is Peecy...

Peecy has changed their name to Clarisse la Rue

NeonSweatshirt: You really stooped low on that one...

Percabeth<34ever: Lol

LeoHader: Percabeth<34ever is Aphrodite.

Percabeth<34ever has changed their name to Aphrodite

LeoHader: Talk!!

ButchDahBullDog: LeoHader is LEO because he'd want us to think it was Percy or Clarisse... Or any of us, really. Lol jk.

LeoHader has changed their name to Leo Valdez

NeonSweatshirt: ButchDahBulldog is Annabeth because they just explained everything that just happened... And used a clever way for Leo to get out.

ButchDahBullDog has changed their name to Annabeth Chase


SnappySappy: NeonSweatShirt is Percy because he was mad when Annabeth did Chase not Jackson. *virtaul highfive* our plan worked Annabeth!!

NeonSweatShirt has changed their name to Percy Jackson

JunoNoPottyTrained: SnappySappy is Piper because she's be the only one that would do that with Annabeth...

SnappySappy has changed their name to Piper McLean

CanadaIzCool: JunoNoPottyTrained is JASON because Hera took his memory... And I outsmarted all of you and waited until everybody else spoke And the game was over. Percy taught me that one!! Classic!

JunoNoPottyTrained has changed their name to Jason Grace

CanadaIzCool has changed their name to Frank Zhang

Frank Zhang: Good game

Percy Jackson: Score:

Percy: 1
Frank: 1

Jason Grace: Frank I'd forgotten you were playing!! 😂😂

Annabeth Chase: don't rub it in, Seaweed brain...

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