Chapter 6

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The mist gradually disappeared as they kept walking. Houses made of grey stone were built up against the mountain slope. The path they walked on was laid out with dark stones.

Hayley stared amazed at all the people in front of them. Children running around. Vampires, warlocks, fairies, witches all types of supernaturals were crowded together and doing their own thing.

"Hayley you need to close your mouth and stop staring," Aria teased.

Hayley quickly shook her head and kept walking the way Aria motioned.

"Hello, dearies. You seem lost." An old woman with brownish teeth, a long pointy nose, and a long chin, with gray long hair that was covered in a black cloak, suddenly appeared out of nowhere in front of them.

Aria let out a piercing scream and quickly covered her heart. "Freaken hell lady, you will give me a heart attack, don't do that," Aria said while looking flustered.

Aria quickly hid behind Hayley when the woman's smile turned into a grim one as she glared at Aria. The lady then moved her eyes to Hayley,

"Seekerrrr...." The lady hissed out.

"Yeah so move along!" Hayley said irritated.

The witch let out a piercing laugh as she walked up to Hayley. The witch walks around Hayley and Aria while dragging her long black nail on Hayley's shoulder.

"If you're lost. I can help you find your way. "

Aria tightened her grip on Hayley's shirt while keeping her eyes tightly closed.

"Fuck off, you are scaring my friend here," Hayley said as she grab the witch's finger in her hand and threw it to the side.

Aria's eyes shot open. "Hayley..." Aria said through gritted teeth.

The witch looked taken back for a bit then scowled at Hayley.

"Death is the last thing I fear witch, so get out of my way."

The witch raised both of her eyebrows. She knew there was something different with this one, so she quickly moved out of the way.

"Where to now Aria?"

"Uh..." Aria kept looking at the witch that walked away.

"Aria?" Hayley called out

Aria quickly shook her head, "That was so scary. She gave me the creeps," Aria said as a shiver ran through her body.

Hayley tilted her head while looking irritated.

"She lives up the mountain," Aria said quickly

The Valley of the Mist was built between mountains. Houses were spread around the mountains and the market squire was in the middle.

Aria and Hayley followed the stone steps to the top of the mountain.

"I can't walk anymore. I am going to die! Why? Oh, why must the witch live at the top of the mountain?" Aria groaned from behind as she dramatically started crawling up the steps.

"I will ask her for you when we get there," Hayley said sarcastically as she looked down at Aria

Aria quickly jumped to her feet. "No! No, don't do that I am only joking, hiehie... Only joking."

Hayley shook her head and kept on walking.

"Jeez, you are no fun," Aria mumbled under her breath.

"I heard that," Hayley called out,

"What? I Didn't say anything."

They finally reached the witch, Aurora's house. Aria quickly knocked on the door and hid behind Hayley.

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