Chapter One: First Impressions

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Two young girls run through the garden of the Asgardian palace. One brunette, the other with light pink hair.
"Sif, wait up!" The girl with pink hair says.
"Yeah, you should keep up, Ama." Sif says over her shoulder.
"I-I can keep up." Her friend says before slamming into Sif.
"Sif, why'd you stop.." The young girl's eyes widen as she looks in front of her friend, seeing the prince's of Asgard. "...running." The young girl finishes.
"Sif! Is this the friend you were telling us about?" The blonde asks.
Sif nods with a smile. "Prince Thor, Prince Loki, I'd like you to meet my friend Amortentia!" Sif says, pushing Amortentia in front of her with a smile.
Amortentia looks back at her friend with a nervous look.
This was NOT how she expected her day to go.
Sif gives her a thumbs up and she turns back to the boys before giving them a small wave. "Hi."
Thor smiles. "Hello! I'm Thor, this is my brother Loki." He says, motioning to his brother, who returns her small wave.
"Hi." He says.
"It's nice to meet you prince Loki, you too prince Thor." Amortentia says.
Thor chuckles. "There's no need for that. You're our friend now! So, just call us by our names!"
Amortentia nods. "Okay."
Sif and Thor go running off, leaving Amortentia and Loki alone. An awkward silence passes between the two.
"Do you like to read?" Loki asks, breaking the silence. Amortentia nods. The two spend time together in the castle library reading when Loki's mother walks in.
"Loki? Loki, are you in here?" She calls.
"Over here! I made a friend!" Loki calls back, not looking up from his book. Although, Amortentia looked up and watched as Loki's mother approached. She smiles.
"Who's your friend, Loki?"
"Mother, this is Amortentia. Amortentia, this is my mother, Frigga." Loki says with a small smile.
"It's nice to meet you my dear." Frigga says.
"You're really pretty." Amortentia says in awe, making Frigga laugh.
"Thank you my dear. You're pretty too."
Amortentia smiles, and Loki does too.
This seems like the start or a beautiful friendship. Or... something more?

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