Chapter 12: Morning Routine 🌞🍓

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The first rays of the morning sun filtered through the curtains as Yarazet and Marla began their day. The house was quiet and peaceful, the only sound being the gentle hum of the air conditioner. Yarazet stretched and yawned, then glanced at the clock. It was time to wake up their Sweet Little.

Yarazet and Marla tiptoed into the living room, where Naomi was still asleep on the couch, her plush mermaid clutched in one hand and her pacifier in her mouth. She looked so peaceful and content, snuggled under her blanket.

"Good morning, Sweet Little," Yarazet whispered softly, kneeling beside the couch and gently stroking Naomi's hair.

Naomi stirred, her eyes slowly fluttering open. She blinked sleepily, her pacifier bobbing in her mouth as she looked up at Yarazet. "Mama," she mumbled around the pacifier, her voice filled with sleepy contentment.

Marla joined them, leaning down to kiss Naomi's forehead. "Good morning, Munchkin. Did you sleep well?" she asked, her voice warm and soothing.

Naomi nodded, her eyes still heavy with sleep. "Slept good, Mommie," she said, her words slurred with drowsiness.

Yarazet gently lifted Naomi into her arms, cradling her as they made their way to the kitchen. Naomi snuggled against Yarazet's chest, her thumb finding its way to her mouth as she sucked on it contentedly.

Marla busied herself preparing breakfast, slicing strawberries and pouring milk into a sippy cup. "How about some strawberries and oatmeal for breakfast, Sweet Little?" she asked, glancing over at Naomi with a smile.

Naomi's eyes lit up at the mention of her favorite breakfast. "Yummy! Stawbewwies!" she exclaimed, her words filled with excitement.

Yarazet chuckled, setting Naomi down in her high chair and securing the straps. "Alright, Sweet Little, let's get you all set for breakfast," she said, tying a bib around Naomi's neck.

Marla placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of Naomi, topped with fresh strawberries. Naomi's eyes widened with delight, and she eagerly reached for her spoon, her coordination still a bit clumsy but filled with determination.

As Naomi ate, Yarazet and Marla prepared their own breakfast, keeping a watchful eye on their little girl. They exchanged smiles, their hearts full of love and pride for their precious little one.

After breakfast, it was time for Naomi's morning routine. Yarazet carried Naomi to the bathroom, where they began the process of getting her ready for the day. "Let's brush those teeth, Sweet Little," Yarazet said, handing Naomi her toothbrush.

Naomi obediently opened her mouth, allowing Yarazet to gently brush her teeth. "Bwig swiles!" Naomi exclaimed, her words slightly garbled as she tried to talk with her mouth open.

Marla joined them, holding up a small mirror so Naomi could see herself. "Look at those pearly whites," she said, her voice filled with encouragement.

Naomi giggled, her face lighting up with joy. "Mama, Mommie, pwetty teef!" she said, her baby talk making the words even more endearing.

With her teeth brushed and her face washed, Naomi was ready to get dressed. Yarazet and Marla led her to her bedroom, where they had laid out a selection of clothes for her to choose from. "What do you want to wear today, Sweet Little?" Marla asked, holding up a dress with a colorful pattern and a pair of soft leggings.

Naomi considered her options carefully, her little brow furrowed in concentration. "Dwess!" she finally decided, pointing to the dress with a wide grin.

Yarazet and Marla helped Naomi into her dress, making sure she was comfortable and snug. "There we go, all ready for the day," Yarazet said, smoothing down the fabric and placing a gentle kiss on Naomi's forehead.

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