The Science Fair

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Denkis POV ~

We finished school and headed to his room. He opens his door, and we walk in. He put his bag down and pulled me into a kiss, his hands tightly in my hair. Then I placed my hands on his waist, pulling him to me. I fight my way through his teeth, so he opens his mouth and lets me in, and he pushes in, twisting our tunges together.

I walk to move us to his bed and push him down our lips still together. Him now at the edge sitting up. I sit on his lap, my legs bent and next to his thighs, and he put his hands on mine. I pull away to see his beautiful red eyes. I got lost in them. I fell deeper as I got deeper into his pupils.

"Denki. My love. You're staring," He said quickly, breaking me from my daydream.
"Oh, sorry. I got lost in your eyes. Their so beautiful." I say, making him blush and me laugh.
"Did you blush cause I called you beautiful?" I ask, and he blushed more, red covering his light skin. I laugh and connect our lips back together.

Katsuki POV ~

We finally finished school, so we walked to my room. I take my key out and unlock my door. I didn't wait a second to kiss him and put my hands in his hair. He put his hands on my hips, and I felt his fingers on my hip bone. He pulls me to him, our stomachs and crotchs touching. He sticks his tunge out, wanting in, and I let him. Then, I put my tunge to his, twisting it up down and side to side.

He walks to my bed and pushes me down, still kissing me. He sits down on my lap, his legs close to mine. He puts his hands in my hair, and I put my hands on his thighs. He pulls away and looks me in the eye.

"Denki. My love. You're staring." I sofly say.
"Oh, sorry. I got lost in your eyes. Their so beautiful." I blush, making him laugh.
"Did you blush cause I called you beautiful?" He asked, and I blushed more.

He kisses me and pushes me to lay down. I take my shirt off and go to take his off.

"Wait. Um. I'm not sure if I want to right now." He said.
"That's fine. We don't have to."

Soon after that, we fell asleep. Then, wake up in the morning, get ready, and get to the gym for the fair.

It's halfway over, and I've turned my hearing aids off. Most teachers learned sign language for me, not that I asked them or anyone to do so. Denki would translate who didn't know for me.

'Babe. I have to use the restroom.' I sign.
'Okay. I'll be here.' He signs back.

Denkis POV ~

Kats has been in the bathroom for a long time, and I was starting to get worried. So I walked to the nearest one. But someone tightly grabbed my hand and pulled me outside. When we go to the side of the building, they turn me toward them.

"Dad?!" I say confused.
"Yes. Who else would it be?" He said nicely.
"Well, not you. You've been gone for over a year. Why are you here?"

He looks at me like I should know the answer. He'd been in and out of mine and my mom's life. So I honestly had no idea why he was here all of a sudden.

"You. Little shit. You know why. I went to the house and you weren't there. So tell me." His tightens his grip, hurting my hand. "Why didn't you tell me you and your mom don't live there anymore?"

Katsukis POV ~

I got back from the bathroom and didn't see Denki. I turned my ears back on, and the loudness overwhelmed me, but I got over it.

"Denki!" I yelled at the sea of people.
"Hey man. Weres kami?" Racon eyes asked, holding hair for brains hand.
"I don't know." I say nervously. "Help me look."

We split up, Racon went to the dorms, and Kiri went to see if he went to the other bathroom, and I went outside. Starting at the right side and rapping around the big building.

Denkis POV ~

I was confused. Why did he care if when I moved to the dorms, mom sold the house? He wasn't in our life anymore.

"Dad. You don't live with us! So why do you care!?" I asked angerily. I saw his face go from mad to pissed off. He punched my stomach, and then I let out an oof and leaned down in pain. He grabs my face and squeezes it, hurting my cheeks. Then he pushed me to the wall, slamming my head to the wall.
Which probably gave me a concussion. I soon felt blood run down my neck.

"Who do you think you are talking to me like that? You're not some hero. You've never had the guts to be one." He says each word, hearting more than the last.

"Hay!" I hurd a familiar voice say. "Let him go!" He yells, explosions poping from his hands. "Now!"
"No, I don't think I will!"

Kats walked toward us, but before I could worn him, my dad put his hand up and had him in a choke hold, making him gasp for air, then punched my face, cutting my lip.

Katsuki puts his hand to his neck to pull whatever my dad had put around him. He looks to see nothing there.

"Telekinesis is a useful quirk." He says, then puts his hands to a fist, choking him more and lifts him off the ground. His face turned red and pail, and he struggled more. His legs started kcking.

I needed to do something, anything. So I grab the hand that's he has on me with both my hands and power myself up. I concentrate all my electricity on my arms, and I shoot out, shocking him. Katsuki falls down, and my dad passes out.

I ran to him and held his face. He was gasping and coughing, trying hard to find his breath again. He had a red hand mark on his throat, which he was rubbing.

"Shit." He says then coughs. "Who was." He coughs again. "That asshole?" He finally got out.
"My dad." I said embarrassingly
"Man. And I thought I had mommy issues." He said raspy and jokingly, making me feel better. "Denki. Your arms." Kats says.

I look down to see reddish lightning marks on my hand. When I tuch them, they sting. I've never used that much power before. And it's never left these scars, or I've never not been in my dumb stage.

Katsuki POV

"What are they?" I ask.
"I don't know."
"Bakugo!" Kiri yelled, then bends down next to me to hug me. "What happened!? Why are you on the ground!?"
"My psycho dad happened." Denki says and points to where his dad is passed out.
"Oh. Hey. Denki your arm." Kiri said and motions to his scars.
"Yeah. They're on both of them." He says then shows him. "Their from my quirk."
"Oh well, if you're both hurt, then I'll go find someone." He says then gets up to find a teacher.

They arrest his dad and take us to the hospital. I wasn't hurt very badly, just the mark on my neck. Denki had a concussion and cut on the back of his head and the scars on his arm. The doctor said they were called Lichtenberg Figures. They also said they should disappear in 24 hours.

Aizawa came in and told us we won the science fair. I was certainly surprised, so were Momo and Iida. They were happy for us, but I could tell they were mad.

24 hours passed, and his scars weren't gone, nore did they looked like they were fading. The doctor said it was rare, but they probably are going to be permanent due to his quirk, and he's probably going to get more.

~A week time skip~

We went to his room and got on his bad, him on me. His hand next to my ribs, and my hands on the back of his head.

"Kats." Denki says, "I want to have sex now."

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