luna actually had a day :D

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okay hi SO yesterday was actually EVENTFUL which is like crazy for me and I want to talk about it so. If you're reading this, hi! I didn't expect anyone to actually do that. But that's fun. :)

Okay so basically yesterday was both the deadline to turn all of our assignments for the end of the year in and that night there was a dance for our grade. I'm not going to get too much into the whole deadline thing, that was like really stressful and my irl friends have heard about it quite a bit so I don't feel like it's necessary lol, besides this whole dance thing was kinda a distraction. 

So AFTER school, this PeRsOn who I ReAlLy LiKe (omg should i come up with like a code name for them cause im getting really tired of calling them like "person" and calling them "my crush" feels weird for some reason even though thats literally what they are but like are code names weirder is that cringier besides it cant be something like "pineapple" thats so basic omg wait ive got it worm. worm. dont even get me started about why, im calling him worm.) 

Okay sorry new paragraph because idek what all that was anyway worm had a test they needed to get done at the very last minute and they stayed after school to do it. I had some extra credit test I could do for math to boost it from an A- to an A. I was about ready to give up on it and just be like "womp womp" but then yk he was talking about staying after and needing company and he asked me in specific so I was like "BET." 

So we stayed after, we both got our tests done, that was all fun and dandy, then we went outside and while we were waiting for our parents to come pick us up we just talked. About like a lot of stuff but it was very fun. We were even both laying down in the grass and just like. Chilling for a while. It was all nice out. Very good times. 

Then he went home, we texted for a bit, I got picked up, then I got home. So, we had a teeny tiny crisis getting ready to go to the dance. My blood sugar went low and made everything take forever, my mom threw a fit about my hair, it was a whole thing, my friends were all calling me cause I was late and I was super overwhelmed and snappy and my parents got really pissed off and yk end of term stuff so I was like near tears the whole time, and by the time I got there I was like barely recovering. But they were STANDING OUTSIDE THE DANCE WAITING FOR ME and led me into where everyone else was and stuff. We were all hanging out, played some Uno which was such a vibe. Screamed along to songs. Danced a little bit, not much, I really didn't have the energy so I mostly just recorded.

OH so once I got there everyone wanted to get our photo taken. So everyone was walking to the little section where people were getting photos done and I didn't know that's what they were doing, okay? And I really hate photos and videos and stuff, but mostly photos, it's just yk. So then I'm following everyone and I turned to worm and I was like "what are they doing?" and he was like "we're getting our photo taken." so i was like NOPE and I turned and started to walk away. So he grabbed me and pulled me back in. My other friend was trying to block me from getting out of it, tripped, and fell. She then knocked me down. So now theres one side with the other four of my friends (there were seven of us) all like "WTF JUST HAPPENED" and then the other side with worm holding me like half-catching-me-half-holding-me-hostage, my friend like facedown, and me covering my face like, overwhelmed, butterflies cause aljviwj, and just like dying inside. And they GOT THIS ON CAMERA its the best photo lmfao. 

Oh and then. So. Okay how do I.
So there are actually eight of us in the friend group, but one person went to hang out with their friends from yearbook instead, and someone sent the photo we got to the group chat we have. And the person who wasn't there sent this one conversation that occured and I- lemme just-
"'oh hey, [my irl name] made it!'
'she is NOT hot'
'honestly [irl name] is mildly attractive'
'she is MILDLY hot'
so im sitting next to worm and reading that like "tf-" (which btw i need to know why the conversation went straight to whether or not i was hot like ??? also I NEED TO KNOW WHOS WHO FROM THE YEARBOOK THING LIKE WHO SAID WHAT CAUSE THEY DIDNT TELL ME)
and me and worm saw that and i was like "idk whether to feel complimented or insulted" (honestly still dont also do not wanna look into how that affected my self esteem- although I wouldnt have thought I was "mildly hot" so I'll take it)
they went into the gc and responded, and I quote:
"[irl name] is very hot (platonically)"
ik they probably felt like they had to say that and were joking and also (platonically) but like omfggggg
I read that and turned to them and may or may not have said "oh shut the fuck up" and they looked very proud of themselves lmao

and then while What Makes You Beautiful played they kept singing like at me and pointing at me and it was pretty funny lol

and we all scream-sang 22

and a song I really dont like for yk personal reasons came on and I told my friend I was going outside and just headed out and worm followed me and hung out with me even though I told him to go back inside and I was fine. 

so basically I spent the whole dance being in love, recording other people, and sitting up on the bleachers playing uno with worm and occasionally other people if they got tired. 

AFTER the dance, we all walked down to this outdoor mall thats near the school. So we did that and me and worm were "the mom and dad" (his words) and it was extremely stressful lol. at one point we caught each other doing a head count at the same time. and yeah that was all funsies. 

and we all went home and i texted him if he was doing okay later because he had been like really stressed out and anxious and then we texted for a while and then we went to bed because they said they wouldn't sleep if I didn't and i know how much he loves his sleep lol.

sooooo yeah that was my day
twas fun

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