Chapter 23

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As we left the chaotic atmosphere of the wedding behind, a heavy silence settled in the car, broken only by the faint hum of the engine. My wife sat beside me, lost in deep thought, her expression unreadable in the dim light of the evening.

I gripped the steering wheel tightly, my mind racing with a mix of adrenaline and apprehension.

The road stretched out before us, illuminated by the headlights cutting through the darkness. I glanced at the rearview mirror, and my heart skipped a beat as I noticed a car trailing us with the same speed.

Instinctively, I knew it could only be Jeongsuk, his presence a looming threat that sent a chill down my spine.

Without a word, I accelerated, pushing the car to its limits as I tried to put more distance between us and our pursuer. The adrenaline surged through me, fueling my determination to keep my wife safe at all costs.

But even as I focused on the road ahead, I couldn't shake off the feeling of impending danger.

As the adrenaline-fueled chase continued, I couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. My wife's safety was my utmost priority, and I was determined to outmanoeuvre Jeongsuk at any cost.

The roads twisted and turned, the night air echoing with the roar of our engines. I could hear my wife's silent prayers beside me, her hands gripping the seat as we sped through the darkness. I reassured her with a quick glance, my expression conveying both determination and concern.

Jeongsuk's car remained a persistent shadow behind us, a constant reminder of the danger lurking just behind. I racked my brain for strategies, trying to anticipate his next move and counter it. But Jeongsuk was proving to be a skilled pursuer, matching our speed and evasive manoeuvres with uncanny precision.

As we approached a series of sharp turns, I made a split-second decision, veering off the main road onto a narrow path. The sudden change in direction caught Jeongsuk off guard, buying us a few precious moments of distance.

I pushed the car harder, navigating the unfamiliar terrain with a mix of adrenaline and determination.

My wife's sudden yell jolted me back to reality. "Why are you driving so fast?" she exclaimed, her voice laced with concern and fear.

"I'll explain later," I replied, my focus solely on evading Jeongsuk's pursuit. The car behind us drew closer, headlights glaring menacingly in the darkness. I could sense the danger escalating with each passing second.

Behind us, I could hear the screech of tires as Jeongsuk struggled to keep up. The chase had turned into a high-stakes game of cat and mouse, each move carrying the weight of our lives. I glanced at my wife again, silently reassuring her that we would make it out of this unscathed.

As we raced through the night, a sense of urgency fueled my actions.

I knew we couldn't keep this up forever; sooner or later, Jeongsuk would catch up, and the consequences could be dire. But for now, all I could focus on was staying one step ahead, ensuring my wife's safety no matter what obstacles lay ahead.

The minutes stretched into eternity as we navigated the treacherous path, the headlights of Jeongsuk's car a constant reminder of the danger chasing us.

But with each turn, each acceleration, I felt a glimmer of hope. We were fighters, determined to defy the odds and emerge victorious.

Finally, as the road straightened out ahead, I saw a chance—a narrow gap between two buildings that could serve as our escape route. Without hesitation, I steered the car towards it, praying that it would lead us to safety.

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