Lost in the Forest and Grouping Up

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When Naomi and Kirby entered the Forest, they ran around taking lefts and rights, jumping over logs and searching for the exit, but they kept ending up in the same spot where they started. "It feels like we're going in circles," Naomi said. "This forest is a very confusing maze." Kirby agreed. "It sometimes happens to me-poyo," he said. "How are we supposed to find the way out?!" Naomi sighed.

The two searched on, but it was no use, and before long, Naomi was exhausted and frustrated. She sat next to a big tree, thinking about retracing her steps. "I can help you find the way out," a mysterious voice said all of a sudden. Naomi quickly jumped up in surprise, looking around to see who said it.

The tree they were sitting near began to move, and then turned around, revealing a face on the other side, one Naomi was also familiar with. "Whispy Woods?" she said. "You bet-poyo!" Kirby said before turning to Whispy. "Hi, Whispy-poyo! This is Naomi, and she's an Earth person-poyo. We're a bit lost, and need help to get out of this forest-poyo!"

"If you want to reach the other side of this forest," Whispy said. "you need to heed my words, traveler." Naomi wasn't expecting to communicate with a talking tree, but she knew that if he was willing to help her find the exit, she'd need to listen to his advice.

"Okay Whispy," she said. "I'm all ears." Whispy then pointed one of his branches to the left. "This forest can be a tricky maze to those that are careless," he explained. "but the flowers in each path can be your guide. There are three kinds of flowers that grow here, diamond flowers, heart flowers, and star flowers, to reach the exit, follow the paths that have star flowers."

Naomi and Kirby nodded. "Star Flowers, got it," Naomi said. "Thanks for the help, Whispy." Whispy smiled kindly. "I should be thanking you too," he replied. "Being a forest guardian can be very lonely most of the times, so I'm glad I got to talk to someone besides birds." Whispy then shook his branches and two apples dropped down, one for Naomi, and the other for Kirby. "Here you go, traveler, it's the least I can do."

Naomi and Kirby picked up the apples. "Thanks, Whispy!" Naomi said. "All that running sure gave me an appetite-poyo!" Kirby added. They both waved at Whispy Woods, and he waved back with his branches as the two made their way further into the forest, hand in hand.

As Naomi and Kirby walked down the path, they savored their apples, their rich, sweet taste bursting with flavor. "Whoa, this is juicy!" Naomi said. "I know, right-poyo?" Kirby added. They happily enjoyed their apples, while Kirby even ate the core of his apple. After snacking on the fruits, the duo found three paths ahead of them, with different kinds of flowers on each one.

"We've gotta make sure to take the paths that have star flowers." Naomi said to Kirby. Each route had different flowers. One path had diamond flowers, one had heart flowers and one had star flowers. "That way-poyo," Kirby said, pointing to the star flowers.

Naomi and Kirby took the star flower path, and continued with their journey. They encountered several routes, and always made sure to choose the paths with star flowers on them.

As the two walked down the paths, they heard birds singing on nearby trees, and small rays of sunlight were beaming down from the tall trees that covered the forest. "Y'know, Kirby," Naomi said. "this forest is way bigger than I thought it would be."

After taking many paths, a bright shine gleamed from afar. "That could be the way out!" Naomi said. "Sure looks like it-poyo!" Kirby added. The two started to run again. The shine was getting brighter than before. As soon as Naomi and Kirby got near the shine, the sun was visible in the sky. They had finally exited the forest.

"We made it out!" Naomi exclaimed. "Yay-poyo!" Kirby cheered, jumping up and high-fiving Naomi.

The two of them were rather tired from all the walking. Naomi lay down on the ground for a little rest, snuggling into the long grass. Kirby laid on her stomach, and she hugged him close. "You're so soft and cuddly!" Naomi giggled. They closed their eyes and bathed in the warm afternoon sunlight.

A few minutes of relaxing later, they were startled by a high-pitched "Wanya...", then some bushes started to rustle. They got up off the ground to see what it was. Naomi grew a bit concerned that something might've been following her and Kirby in the forest, but she didn't want to put her guard down, so she was prepared to see what was behind the bushes.

A small, round figure walked out of the bushes. It bore a strong resemblance to Kirby, but it looked different. It was orange rather than pink, and it didn't have a mouth. It was a Waddle Dee, a plain, harmless Waddle Dee, yet it was wearing a blue bandana on his head, so this one was unlike the others.

"Boy, that forest was a real puzzle-wanya," he said as he brushed the leaves off himself. Naomi saw him as yet another familiar face. "Bandana Dee!" she exclaimed. "That's me-wanya!" he said. "What brings you here-poyo?" Kirby asked. "I heard rumors that an Earth person came here-wanya," Bandana Dee explained. "Well, you're looking right at her!" Naomi said. "Guess that rumor was true-wanya," Bandana Dee replied before turning back to the bushes. "She's right here, your majesty-wanya!"

"Majesty?" Naomi said in a slightly worryful tone. "Yup, King Dedede-wanya." Bandana Dee replied. A large figure emerged from the bushes, with a familiar red coat and a penguin-like face. It was no doubt, King Dedede himself.

"Well, well, well," he said. "Look what the wormhole dragged in. No need to be worried, kid. I ain't looking for some trouble. I just wanna know what you're up to." Dedede brushed off the leaves that were still on his coat.

"I don't plan on causing any problems, your majesty," Naomi said, curtseying to the king. "I'm here to see a person that hasn't been seen in so long." Dedede scratched his chin. "Y'know, I haven't seen a human from Earth before," he said. "but I ain't seen any other human in Pop Star in a very long time, how long has it been?"

"Where I'm from," Naomi said. "it would count as 18 years." Dedede's jaw dropped from the answer. "18 years?!" he exclaimed, speechless. "Boy, that's an awfully long time!" Naomi suddenly saw a small cabin not far from them. She gasped in shock. Her heart and mind were trembling, and her hands were shaking. The chance to finally meet Adeleine was at hand. "What's up with you, kid?" Dedede asked her. "You're looking all jittery!"

"Someone might be living in that cabin, and that someone could be the first human that ever set foot on Pop Star!" Naomi explained, excitedly.

"The first human?" Dedede repeated, scratching his head. "Yes, your majesty," Naomi replied. "Adeleine could possibly be in there as we speak." Dedede poked the side of his head. "Adeleine? Sounds awfully familiar..." Kirby recognised the name as well. Naomi never told him the name of who she was looking for.

"That must be the person you wanted to find-poyo," he said. "She sure is!" Naomi said. "In case you still don't remember, the three of you, along with Adeleine and Ribbon, were collecting crystal shards to stop the Dark Matter that was corrupting Ripple Star."

Dedede's pupils shrunk as he remembered everything about the crystal shards. He then checked a pocket from inside his coat, and pulled out the very crystal medallion he was awarded back in Ripple Star. "I remember now!" he said, wearing the medallion around his neck. "I helped Kirby bash baddies and open up walls with my hammer! Boy, those were good times."

"Come on, guys!" Naomi said. "Let's give our long-awaited friend the proper welcome back she deserves. I'm sure she'll be more than excited to see the gang together again." The others agreed.

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