Chapter -Nine-: It's Official

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(Shorter one this time.)

The next day, I was about ready to get to school when Fang stopped me at the door.

I told her I felt fine, but when I crumbled after she poked my ribcage, I decided she had a compelling argument to stay.

We ended up watching movies and playing Xrox all day.

I don't think I've ever seen Fang this morose, though.

Didn't want to pry, even if we're dating now.

Though, its obviously about the band and Trish.

Today though, I powered through Fang's chest-poke test and she let me go.

I know she'd stayed the day before to keep an eye on my, but she still didn't wanna go today.

I made her promise not to start 'Preening' again before I left.

She might attack me when I bring back all the missed homework, though.

Now that I have some time to myself, I can address something I've been meaning to.

I'm not horny anymore. I'm finally happy.

Though, if anybody finds out I have Fang staying at my place...

It's a wrap for me...

Nobody I can ask for advice either. 'Cept Mia, I guess? Nah, she'd make fun of me.

Just....get through today and work on some new songs with my lady at home...

Man, I'm so glad I get to say stuff like that now...


Even as walk through the school's halls, not a single person looks at me with an ounce of caution or suspicion.

As if two days ago never happened.

That's not normal. These people move on hella fast.

Whatever, man. Gotta get to my locker...

Naser: There you are!

I turn to see Naser pushing through the crowd of students towards me.

My emerging smile immediately turns upside down when I see the look on his face.

Drake: H-Hey man! Glad I found- WOAH!

I very fucking narrowly dodge his hand as he attempts to grab my shirt with my still injured chest beneath it.

Drake: Woah man!

He points a sharp, accusing finger at me.

Naser: Where the hell is Fang?

Drake: Okay, dude, just let me-

Naser: She ditched with you the other day and hasn't come home since. Do you know what I've had to put up with because of you? Everything you do with Fang is my fault for letting it happen! You're lucky she texted me yesterday, Dad was about ready to file a missing persons report for her.

Drake: Look, Naser. Let me explain.

Naser: You better, before I drag your ass home and make you tell it to my Dad instead.

NOWHERE TO GO, BUT UP &lt;|Snoot Game X OC|&gt;Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora