I'll help my brother or may lightning strike me down

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I tossed and turned in my sleeping bag for what felt like a eternity. My head and guts feels like they were going to explode, I was feeling even worse than last night. So after a while of more suffering, I decided to go to the bathroom to avoid the possibility of vomiting on the child next to me.

The storm raged in the sky like yesterday so maybe Zeus is having some terrible nights himself.

Just a few steps outside the cabin I began to feel the strong gusts of wind hitting me but it were a few more steps away that I began to hear whispers. No one was around, so I gathered that there were voices brought by the wind. They sound alarmed, in danger, so I closed my eyes to tried to focus on from where they came.

My heart dropped when I could herd him clearly.

I started running towards Thalia's tree. I no longer feel pain; the moment the adrenaline kicked in, the only thing I could feel was the hair clip attached to the belt loop of my jeans and the anger which I would lash out at anyone who dared to hurt my brother. I couldn't afford to scream for help or I'd lose track of the voices, so I just ran.

I reached the hill and could see the scene happening below: Percy on the Minotaur's back with Grover barely conscious a few meters away from him.

Percy stabbed the monster with it's own horn and fell unconscious on the ground. I ran to his side to check his pulse and thanked the Gods that he was still breathing. Then, I lifted my head to look at Grover, who was struggling to get on his... no, those where not feet. Grover failed to get on his hooves and fell on the ground.

I put Percy on my back and approached Grover. I secured Percy with one hand and held out the other to my friend. He looked at me as he grabbed my hand and I saw the tiredness and sorrow in his eyes. I helped him stand up, which he did with difficulty so I hugged him around the waist to prevent him from falling.

- In my right pocket there is some of ambrosia, grab some. - I commanded, which he obeyed.

Grover's cuts and limp dissappeared with just a piece of ambrosia but he was still tired and not on his full mental capacity as he seemed very shocked.

I couldn't imagine what they have gone through, but the only thing that I could do right now was get them to safety.

- Grov, it's okay, breath. You are here now. - I reassured him.

I gave a few deep breaths myself as I stared at him. He focused on me and did what I said.

- Atta boy. Let's get you both to the infirmary. Follow me, ok?. - I said.

Grover walked ahead of me, so I focused on making sure he didn't trip and that Percy didn't fall off my back. We walked until we were close to the borders and only stopped when I felt a spear stabbing me in the left calf.

I screamed in pain and knelt on my good leg. I set Percy gently on the floor and looked over my shoulder at a happy couple walking their dog.

I mentally thanked Annabeth for the quick monster guide. I recognized that the monsters were a Scythian Dracaenae, a Laistrygonian Giant and a hellhound.

I stood up to look over Grover's shoulder, we were close to the tree, but not close enough to make a run for it.

- Take him, run to the border and call for help. - I commanded the satyr.

- NO! I'll distract them, you are faster. - Grover shouted.

He was panicking so I grabbed him firmly from his shoulders.

- Take him, please. I cannot lose any of you. I'll be fine, do it.- I pleaded.

Any doubt in him disappeared as I pulled the spear from my calf and ran down the hill.

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