50 : Escape

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Wonhwa's Point Of View:

*Knock knock*

In the middle of the night, someone nocks at the door.

Jimin is dead asleep beside me, the reminder of my yesterday's breakdown flashes before my eyes.

I don't waste a minute and open the door, I don't want Jimin to wake up. He has been running the whole day

"You're coming with me, Wonhwa" Jungkook says when he glances behind me, the dimly litted room was evidence that Jimin is asleep

"I can't leave him, he still has a fever" I excuse

"It's the only way, " he says

I may have a fever but Jimin's fever hasn't left. Still, if it's the only way to bring Omma and his peace back, I should go


"Are they agreeing to free her ?" I ask

"Only if they have you" he says

I sit on Jungkook's bike, behind him. He rides the bike in full speed with none of us wearing helmets, we still couldn't care less. We needed to sake Mother.

He doesn't bring me to the head quarters but an unfamiliar penthouse.

"Why are we here? This isn't the police head quarters" I ask when he climbs off

"You'll know, in a few minutes you'll know just how much of a fool you are" he says I walk behind him

"What do you mea- " I couldn't finish my question when something blocks my face and intoxicates me to blindness


Eyes closed, body numb, only frost feels deep within me.

A bucket of ice falls over me as I am jolted awake.

When I tried to shake myself off, only to realise that they handcuffed  my hands behind me. If it was rope, I would have broken free.

"Good morning, Mrs. Park. Had fun playing Cinderella?" says Mr. Kim Seokjin,

" What do you want from me?" I scream

"If I say, it's not like you'll be able to provide me " he says sitting a chair in front of me

"Then why am I here?" I ask

" You don't expect me to to let you live the princess life while you betray me do you?" He says

"You said if I come back you'll set Mrs. Park free" I remind

"Yes, I am a man of my words. I will set her free" he says

I exhale, looking at the window. It's all worth it if they can go back to the happy family they are, I don't mind going to hell

"I have already kept her limbs in freezing container" he says 

My eyes go wide

"Hear head is still in the process of packaging, I will soon send her back to her beloved son" he says leaning towards me

"You- how can you be so unfair?" I ask

"Darling, what unfair here? He killed my mother I killed his, "he says

"You mother?"

"I'm Kim Seokjin, son of Kim Sejong. The woman he burned down" Soekjin says

"But you-"

"Surprise surprise, I am not the goodie two shoes you thought I was. Are you hurt?" He says caressing my cheeks

I jerk my head back

"It was all a cover, why would the secretary of the prime minister always still with the the commissioner general, ever wondered?" He asks

"Ever wondered why the commissioner was so adamant on destroying Park Jimin out of all the criminal that could be easy preys? " He asks again

I stay silent

"Because I wanted it, to destroy him because he was ruining my game. I was playing chess with the government, the police, the army, the navy as my pawns." He laughs maniacally

"Why would you want that? What did he ever do to you?" I ask, my voice breaks

"Emotional Mrs. Park, you could ask me that if he hadn't killed my mother. It's was never so personal, I would only have destroyed his empire to clean my work field"he says

"Then why did you try to assassinate him back at Jackson Wangs party?" I ask

"You're not that stupid after all" he says, his smirk growing

"If the government has always been there to kiss your ass, why do you need me now?"

"I need you as bait. He'd come running behind you, I would crush him like an ant" he grinds his teeth by the word crush

"That's enough bullshit for a day, guys,  tie her mouth and throw her in that tank" he says and they start taping my mouth.

The horror rushes down my spine when I see an ice filled tank, I already have a mild fever. Either this will cure it or finish me completely

Jimin's Point Of View:

I wake up to an empty bed. Only to check the CCTV footage of last last to now,

In the video I clearly see her willingly walking out and sitting if Jungkook's bike.

"Taehyung, track down Jungkook. RIGHT NOW" I say over the call to Tae

"What happened, why are you so worked up over him?" He asks, still groggy in the morning

"No questions, just do as I say"


"He manages to erase every evidence of where he's going. He left behind no trail " Taehyung says

I sit on my chair, gripping my hair in frustrating

"If she wanted to run, why now of all times?" I scream

"I think it's not what it looks like" he says

"Then what is it?" I ask

"Much more than what it looks like" he says handing me a comb that he pulled a phone out of

"Much more than what it looks like" he says handing me a comb that he pulled a phone out of

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