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Asante's pov

My body moves on autopilate, dragging me towards the corner seat. Quickly swiping the phone off the floor, I put it on the desk. Her small sobs slowly vanishing as she wipes off her tears after acknowledging my presence.

She utters some words to send me away. Ignoring the strangled plea that rasped from her throat, I knelt beside her.

The air hung heavy in the stuffy classroom, the sound of the whining fun dominating the most. I shrug at it but still my gaze lands on her.

Taking a deep breath, I forced myself closer, offering a tentative hand on her shoulder. There's no way I was going to leave her alone like this.

Even though consoling people was one of the abilities the mother earth didn't bless me with, for Lexie I was willing to take extra measures.

Her sudden embrace catches me off guard, but still my hands wrap around her back, closing my eyes with the sudden emotion I felt.

My shirt is soaking up in tears as I squeeze her close to my chest rubbing small circles on her back.

"It's okay, cry all you want. I'm right here." I whisper why still holding her in my embrace. Her fingers dig dipper into my back, as she whales louder. For sure that was going to leave a mark but I didn't mind. As long as she was the one behind the mark.

"S-he was sick, the doctor told me she has some months. Months not days," she pauses regaining her breath. "They lied to me. Now my mom's gone. She's gone forever. Just like dad."

A tear trims down my face, a wave of pain shooting through me as she cries even more. My mouth dries up, no longer in the right mind to utter a word.

"It hurts so much, Asante."

"I'm sorry."The words escapes my lips, in a whispering tone. Her fingers releases from digging onto my back and I realize my lips felt free from encounter.

However, she doesn't break free from my embrace but rather holds on tighter while sobbing. "I wasn't there to say goodbye to my mother."

"It's not your faul-" Before I could even finish, she interrupts me. "It is. I should have told my mom. I should have let her know she had cancer but I-I hid it from her."

That shocks me but a wave of understanding washes over me. There must have been a good reason tied to it. I mean, everyone deserves to know but if she wasn't told... There must have been a reason.

"I'm sure you had thought about it." I reply and she shakes her head. "Maybe I should have told her but-". Before she could utter any more words, the classroom door creaks open momentarily breaking the fragile tension between us.

She swings away from my touch, wiping her face with her hand as she walks away. Her tote bag hangs over her shoulders, exiting the class.

I match towards her. She is not okay, I keep reminding myself. My friends call after me and I ignore them running after her. It didn't bother me if I were to get punished for roaming around during class time. As long as I was keeping her safe, nothing mattered.

"Lexie," I call out as I step infront of her. "Let me go with you."

"No Asante. Please go back to class, I'm okay." She says and I shake my head. I didn't want to leave her alone, anything could happen.

"No Lexie, You're not okay. Let me be with you. You come first before my school or whatever." I say out and a forced smile beams across her face. Her eyes are all puffy and tears are trickering down her face as her cheeks widen.

"It has only been less than two days since we've known each other. I'm sure you don't mean anything you say now. You're just carried by emotions." She says and it feels like a million bullets had been aimed at my heart.

It turns out, the two days we've spent, feels like a milliom years to me. It's like I've known her since forever.

"Besides, I would appreciate it I were to stay alone. I need time to think about myself and my life. I promise I will be fine on my own." Her small smile beams away as it's suppressed by a daunting sad frown.

She walks past me, to the office. Where I suppose she is going to get an early pass and a few days holiday.

My mind freezes, refusing to back away from her. I know I should be with her, right besides her. My hands ruffle through my hair, blushing it in return. Without consideration of the surrounding, my feet stomp on the ground viciously as if it's going to lessen my anger.

A groan escapes my lips as my feet freeze to the ground. Why was I suddenly getting attached to her this fast like I was on a love spell?

The few minutes that passed, led me to class as I sat down on my corner seat. The whole class seemed heavy on drugs as the usual cacophony maintains the theme of this class.

My eyes however land on the empty seat next to me. It feels so wrong to sit here while Lexie was away. Her plump lips were not frowning or sending small smiles at me. I was all alone once again.

A shadow blocks my view of Lexie's empty chair which aids me to jolt awake from the desk. "Where's Lexie?" A girl asks and I recognize her as Lexie's friend.

"She's gone to the principals office. She just received a call that her mother is no more." I say, forcing the words past the lump in my throat.

"But how's that possible? I was just talking to her mother some minutes ago?" She says puzzled and it brings determination on my face.

My stomach clenches. Lexie couldn't have lied about something like this. There had to be another explanation. "W-hat? H-ow?" I stammer, a cold dread slithering down my spine. "You mean... her mom is still alive?"

"Yes of course. I just-" With a surge of adrenaline, I'm out of my seat and sprinting towards the door. My heart hammers against my ribs, I'm sure it could be heard from someone miles away.

Lexie must be scared out of her mind. Someone is playing a cruel trick on her, but who? And where is she now?

Bursting out of the classroom doors, I scan the schoolyard. There! A flash of blue catches my eye - Lexie's backpack. She's already outside the gate, heading towards the busy tarmac road.

"Lexie!" I scream, my voice hoarse with urgency. I cross my fingers, praying she hears me over the traffic noise. Will she stop? My feet propel me forward, the need to reach her a desperate ache in my chest.

This chapter took me a trillion years since I wasn't in my best mental and physical health. Too occupied with school lol.

But anyways what do you think about this chapter?

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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