Chapter 2: Home Alone All Alone.

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Carole Baker was sitting on the couch in the living room, as it was getting dark outside, she was alone in the house, while her husband and three children was out for the day, she was watching a TV show on the TV, she didn't realize that someone was in the driver's seat of a black 4 door Pontiac Car, it was driving up the street toward her house. 

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Someone drove up on the driveway in front of the house, the mysterious person turned off the car, opened the driver's side door, got out of the driver's seat, closed the driver's side door, started walking toward the house. 

Meanwhile Carole was still sitting on the couch, she was still watching a TV show on the TV, she didn't realize that someone had just broken into the house. 

She was into the TV show, when someone was sneaking up behind her, she was still watching the TV Show, when two black gloved hands started slowly moving on the sides of Carole's head, a voice started talking to her. 

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"Just relax, relax, relax, relax, relax", the mysterious voice said. 

Carole started slowly falling into a hypnotic trance. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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