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I inwardly scold myself for waking up so early. I had asked the flight attendant as she walked by, and she informed me that it was 1:08 in the morning. I sighed in defeat of not being able to get back to sleep and thought of what I did today- technically yesterday.

I had decided I was done. I was going to escape that life. I had no idea how until a feeling hit me like running into a brick wall. It was urging me to go to Alaska. I had no idea why but I followed the urge anyway. I've got nothing to lose. I secretly packed up nessecities- clothes ( especially the basketball hairclip Riko got for me and the white cap with a red bill and a red K Teppei had got for me) , toothbrush, blanket- and a gem I had gotten for myself for my birthday. It was a round orb that was the color of my hair, along with the name Tetsuya engraved in white on it. I remembered the day I got this:

It was my birthday. The sky was grey when I had gotten the gem orb. I had asked them to wrap it in a little case. Everyone ended up forgetting my birthday besides Riko and Teppei (Akashi was and still is out of the country.) They were all too busy attending a celebration party for Tsumi. I took the wrapped present from myself, and brought it to a park that was nearby. I sat on the swings as I opened my present. When I was done, I slipped the necklace on and gently rocked back on fourth on the swing singing to myself quietly and slowly.

"Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday, Happy birthday, Happy birthday to me."

I shook that memory out of my mind and began to leave my room quitely. As I exit my house without anyone noticing, I notice a small blue box that had just been delivered to the house. I know instantly it was for me. I opened up the package and discovered a letter and a white scarf in the box. I open up the letter.

Dear Kuroko,
Happy birthday.


I smile a bit but I instantly regretted it. The smile was not genuine. I couldn't smile honestly anymore. I wiped the smile off my face and took the scarf and put it in my small black suit case. I then take the box and letter, and burn them in the fireplace.

I quickly went to the airport without anyone noticing and used my misdirection to get on the plane to Alaska. Before I did though, I made sure the plane was half empty so there'd be a seat, and made sure to leave enough money equal to the cost of a ticket.

(Present Time)

As I finished thinking over my day, my eyelids feel heavy and begin too shut. Before I know it, I'm off to another deep sleep. This time I know for sure it will be sleep with no dreams.

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