43 - babysitting

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"Have fun on your date," Hana smiled, waving at the two parents. "Thank you," the woman smiled back, hugging her girls one last time before walking towards her car with her husband.

"Alright, should we go inside?" Hana looked at the two eight year olds and then at Seungmin. "Yes! You promised us we'll play jenga today!" Emma answered immediately, not really caring that there was someone she didn't know with them. Sophie on the other hand seemed quieter than usual. She was never as loud or active as her sister, but she still knew how to be bubbly and have fun when she felt comfortable. Hana could see that wasn't the case now.

While Emma led the way inside, already taking Seungmin with her to show him around and introduce herself, Hana squatted down to Sophie. "Wanna hold my hand?" She offered, reaching out to her. She didn't answer but just simply held her hand, squeezing it tight as she looked at her sister and the unknown boy. "He is nice, right?" She asked carefully. Hana nodded to her, a smile on her face. "Very nice. He might have some troubles speaking in english. Can I count on you to help him?"

Sophie hesitated for a second, thinking about it. "Sure," she agreed. "Let's show him around then, what do you think? You can show him the puppy plushie you have, he loves dogs too," Hana suggested and when the little girl nodded again she stood up, still holding her hand as she walked inside the house with her.

"Okay girls, this is Seungmin. He is...pretty important to me, so I hope you'll treat him right tonight," Hana introduced him, ignoring the smile on his face when she said so. She knew she would get teased about it sooner or later. "Seungmin, Sophie and Emma, but we call her Emy," She introduced the two girls to him. "You be good to them, too."

"Of course, ma'am," he joked, glancing at the two kids in front of him. "I am sure we will get along," he proclaimed, winking at Emma as if they had some secret plan going on. Hana shook her head at them, looking around the house to figure out what they were going to do. "Jenga you said? Let's bring it."

Seungmin thought carefully, staring at the tower for a few seconds before reaching out for a piece in the middle, trying to take it out. However, he chose the wrong one, and before he could even react anyhow the tower was falling down, making him loose. "You're so bad!" Emma laughed at him, happy it ended this way since she was supposed to play right after him.

Sophie found herself laughing too, making Hana smile when she noticed it. She felt somehow proud of her. There were moments where she could see her and Amy in the two sisters, so it meant a lot to her seeing Sophie getting comfortable around a stranger.

"Okay, enough of this now," Emma proclaimed when she calmed down again, handing Seungmin the jenga box so he could clean it up. He scoffed at how absurd it was but didn't argue with her and simply started picking the pieces from the floor. 

"There's something I want to show Hana!" She remembered, quickly standing up and grabbing Hana's hand to make her stand up too. The black haired girl quickly looked around, analyzing the situation before standing up. "We'll be right back," she assured the both of them before she followed Emma towards her room.

That left Sophie and Seungmin in the room alone. Even though for some people it might be a surprise, Seungmin himself wasn't the biggest extrovert either. So it wasn't weird that the moment the life of the party - Emma - left, they became quiet. Awkward even.

"Do you like Hana?" Sophie asked suddenly, making him look up from the jenga box at her. His lips automatically curved into a smile without him even noticing as he nodded. "I do, a lot."

"That's nice," she nodded, looking down on the floor. "Wanna see something?" Seungmin asked, putting the box aside so he could get up. She looked back up at him, wondering what he could possibly want to show her. He walked to the sofa in the living room where all his and Hana's stuff were, grabbing Hana's bag and walking back to the eight year old.

"We took these pictures together," he explained, showing her the pics from earlier, watching as she smiled while looking at it. "You guys kiss?" He nodded to her, chuckling. "Sometimes," he answered. Sophie looked around to make sure her twin or Hana weren't around before glancing at him again. "I kissed a boy too," she whispered. "Oh really?" He wondered, trying his best to not laugh. Not because it would be funny - even though he did find it a little fun - but because he found her cute.

"He said he likes me," she explained. "And do you like him?" Sophie thought for a while, eventually just shrugging. "I don't know. But he shared his chocolate with me. Have you shared your chocolate with Hana?"

He chuckled, shaking his head. "I haven't. Do you think I should?" She nodded, "definitely. It's nice."

"I will give her my chocolate tomorrow then," he assured her. "I also bought her this plushie, what do you think about that?" He wondered, taking out the orca out of Hana's bag, too. "It's so cute!" She gasped immediately. "She must love it," she nodded, approving it. She stood up from her place on the floor, walking away to her parents' bedroom, leaving Seungmin there wondering if he did something wrong. However, when she came back, a plushie in her hands, his worries disappeared. "I've got this one and I love it, too," she said, walking to him to show him the puppy she got.

"Do you have a name for him?"

"I do," she nodded. "He is called Prince, after Hana's puppy."

Seungmin ended up smiling, again. He never thought he would be a big kid person, but it was impossible to hate someone like her. Especially since she reminded him of his girlfriend. "You must like her a lot too."

Sophie nodded, sitting down again. "She takes good care of us, and helps me with homework."

"Who helps you with homework?" Hana wondered as she and Emma walked back into the room. "You do apparently," Seungmin answered, smiling at her. Hana chuckled, nodding. "Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Hana offered, looking at the two girls to see what they were thinking. "Rapunzel!" They both answered at the same time, basically running to their sofa already. "Again?" Hana asked, but still followed them, grabbing Seungmin's hand on her way to walk with him. "You're doing a great job," she smiled. "With Sophie, I mean."

"It's all thanks to her. She is cute. And she loves you a lot," he informed her, making the black haired girl smile.

After putting all their things aside, Hana and Seungmin sat in the middle of the sofa, the two girls sitting next to them immediately. Sophie calmly sat down next to Seungmin, not saying a single word. It wasn't needed anyway, they all knew what she was thinking. 

And it got Hana to think too. She was worried for no reason. He passed the first test without any problems. 

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