Chapter 3: Lyria

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The ground was a mixture of stones, shell pieces, and sediments. Gray waves lapped at the rocks below a cliff. The small plants of lichen, ferns, and what looked to be liverwort grew along the rocks and fungus.

So this was Lyria? She looked around the grasslike area. Ursus, home world.

A gust of warm air brushed against her skin before Ursus's sharp tone grabbed her attention. "You."

She glanced between the two. "Another person you know?"

The man stepped forward. "Not exactly." He lowered his head in a slight nod. "My name is Pavel. I am the prince of this planet in a way."

Gray eyes flickered over her. "I'm sorry for the sudden kidnapping from your home, but I guess Orion has a very...specific way of getting things done." His gaze softened. "But I assure you I don't want to harm you or Ursus for that matter. I only wish to talk."

Eileen eyed the man wearily. Talk about what?

"I already gave Donovan, one of the guards, our location. He'll be here to pick us up any minute now."

Sure enough a silver machine shot its way across the horizon towards them, looking more and more out of a scifi movie. As it slowed to a stop, a large glass hatched open like a convertible. The man leaped out with surprising ease, hitting the ground with a sharp thud. His gray eyes snapped to Ursus then to her. Elieen recoiled at the intensity in them.

"Easy, Donovan." Pavel frowned at his guard. "I told them I don't want any trouble, and I meant it." His gaze snapped back to Ursus. "We could use their help."

Wait, they need our help? She didn't know anything about this place or its people. She didn't even know they existed until today. What can I help with?

"Despite someone's misguided judgment, there are some people here who want to change the system." He turned his back to them. "But I'll fill you in on the details later."

He turned back to the guard. "Did you bring the extra translator like I asked?"

The guard reluctantly pulled out a small black box.

"Hurry up," Pavel urged, tossing the box to Ursus. "We'll be waiting in the hovercraft."

Eileen watched them climb into the floating machine with ease. Her gaze flickered to Ursus who stared down at the small black box. For a second, her mind wanted to imagine they were back home. She had just accepted the job and Ursus was lowering to one knee, holding the box up toward her. Why can't everything go back to normal?

Her gaze flickered away. "Who is he?"

A small sigh followed her question. "He's my half-brother."

Eileen simply nodded. With each new truth, more questions upon questions filled her mind and threatened to overwhelm her.

She watched him open the box. "This translator will help you understand our language."

Holding out her hand, the cool metal pressed against her warm skin.

"And don't worry about talking. English is a requirement for everyone to know. It's what you would call a common language here."

"A common language?" She slipped the piece in. "Why?"

"Because English will always be a part of our history." Biting her lip, Eileen simply took Ursus's hand. Too many questions brought forth a throbbing headache, blurring her surroundings to the hovercraft until they reached a giant city.

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