Chapter 6: The Council

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The doors burst open, startling Ursus awake. Before he could move, claws pressed against his chest. A cry burst from his throat. The carvan snapped, curling up its lips to reveal its yellow teeth while its warm breath brushed against his neck.

He didn't dare move as footsteps drew closer. A guard emerged through the door. His gray eyes stared through Ursus, shimmer with nothing but hatred. "Ursus, you are under arrest for the bombing of-"

Bombing? What bombing? Despite his brain wired state, his body was lead. The guard reached for his neck. "Did you know about the bomb, you hybrid filth!" Ursus closed his eyes. When no grip came, he peeked them open.

Pavel held the guard's wrist. Don't you dare touch him," he snapped, eyes burning into the guards. "Get out."

The guard hesitated. "Prince-"

"Now." His tone left no room for argument. The guard's jaw set as he bowed stiffly. With a whistle, he called his carvan after him.

Air flooded Ursus's lungs. After the third gasp, he watched Pavel sit down. For a minute, neither of them said anything.

"Something happened." Might as well ripped the bandage off.

Pavel nodded. "Yeah, something did." Releasing a sigh, he met Ursus's gaze. "A bomb went off near the shopping district. We think it's a similar prototype of the one you set off in their base."

"What? No that's-" Pain shot through Ursus's chest. His hand gripped his shirt.

"Easy, Ursus."

"That's impossible," he wheezed, ignoring Pavel's words. "I got rid of all the blueprints."

"Well, clearly someone had an extra copy lying around." Something flickered across his gaze. "And the blast got Eileen."

"What?" Pain shot through his body as circles danced across his vision. Eileen, no, no I have to get to her. I have to-

"Ursus!" Pavel glared. "You're exhausted. You still need time to recover."


"-is fine," he finished. "Eileen was one of the first people put into a healing chamber. She's going to be in there a while but the medics say she's already stable."

His hands clenched the soft silk covers. Too many emotions flickered through his chest, shimmer and colliding in a mess of anger and frustration at his useless body. "Who did it?"

Pavel's eyes darkened. "You know who."

Vashti. A sharp crack snapped down his heart.

For a second, he stood in front of his younger foster sister. Her green eyes stared up at him with pride and affection. He looked down at his hands. And now they'll look at me with nothing but hate.

A shudder wrecked through his body. His head leaned back against the bed. Exhaustion burned his chest, making every breath labored as if the carvan was still on him. "How many deaths?"

"A few hundred." Pavel swallowed. "We had to call an emergency council meeting."

Ursus closed his eyes. "They're going to want to see me, aren't they?"

At Pavel's nod, he gestured to his body. "I don't have the strength to move, much less walk."

Pavel smiled. "I got that covered."


Through two doors with a golden sabertooth on each one, a large metallic table sat in the center of the room. On the left each council woman sat beside the queen in their respective outfits, while on the right were the men.

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