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For the next two weeks, Hermione didn't mention our conversation not even once. Harry's scar from Umbridge's detention faded but, it was obvious it would never fade completely, which made me angrier, and the weather turned extremely gloomy, even though the past week was very sunny. In Transfiguration, Ron and Harry progressed to Vanishing their snails and me and Hermione had actually started Vanishing kittens, (every time I Vanished one it made me sad since they wouldn't be seen again). We were in the library, looking up ingredients for Snape's awful class, which where he bullied Neville, Harry, and me constantly, when Hermione popped the question. "I was wondering, Harry, if you've thought about teaching us in Defense Against the Dark Arts." 

"Of course I have, I don't have a choice, with that old hag teaching us," Harry grumbled.

"Harry, you forgot that she's not a hag, she's a toad. There's a difference, even if its not very pronounced." I said, saying the last sentence, extra fancy, which made Harry, Ron, and Hermione laugh, which resulted in Madam Pince shushing us louder than we were laughing. 

"No," Hermione said, chuckling. "I meant the idea me and Ron had-" Ron shot her a threatening look, and she frowned. "All right, the idea I had, about you teaching us." 

Harry was silent for a while, looking at a page to try to pass the time. "Well," he said, thinking for a few seconds. "yeah, I've thought about it." 

"And?" I asked, waving a hand. 

"I dunno." Harry said. 

"Gosh, you're just like Edward!" I exclaimed. 

"Who?" Harry asked, eager to change the topic. 

"My brother." I said. "But now's not the time for family talk." 

Harry shifted uncomfortably in his chair. "You did listen to what I said about it being a load of luck, right?" 

"Yes, Harry," Hermione said, gently. "but there's no point in pretending that you're not good at Defense Against the Dark Arts, because you are. You were the only person who could throw off the Imperius curse completely, you can produce a Patronus, you can do stuff grown wizards can't do, Viktor always said-" 

"What did Vicky said, huh?" Ron said, now furious. 

"Ho ho," Hermione said, bored. "He said Harry knew how to do stuff even he didn't, and he was in the final year at Durmstrang." 

"You still aren't in contact with him, are you?" Ron said, suspicious. 

"So what?" Hermione said, coolly. "I can have a pen pal if I want to." 

"He didn't only want to be your pen pal." Ron accused. 

"If I didn't know better, Ron, I would say you are being jealous." I said, smirking at Harry, who started to crack up. 

Hermione blushed slightly, and Ron stared at me like I was from another planet. Hermione shook her head after a few seconds and said, "Well, what do you think? Will you teach us?" 

"Just you guys, yeah?" Harry asked. 

"Harry it would be extremely unfair to the others who want to fight Voldemort." I said. 

Harry thought for a moment and said, "Yeah, but I doubt anyone except you three would want to be taught by me. I'm a nutter, remember?" 

"Harry, you would be surprised how many people would be interested in what you've got to say." Hermione said. "You know how the first weekend in October is a Hogsmeade weekend? How would it be if we tell anyone who's interested to meet us in the village and we can talk it over?" 

"Why should we do it outside of school?" Ron asked. 

"Because, Umbridge would not be happy to find out what we were up to." I said. 


The day of the Hogsmeade trip came on a bright but windy day, and after breakfast, which I awkwardly ate a piece of toast to distract the others, we lined up in from of Filch so he could check off everyone who had permission to go to Hogsmeade. When Filch checked my name off, I wondered how I could have been allowed to go, but then I realized, I'm 118! I don't need a permission slip. 

When Harry got to Filch, he took a huge sniff and also, reluctantly, crossed off his name. I waited when I was out of earshot of Filch and started laughing uncontrollably. Harry smiled, and Ron looked confused. "Why was he sniffing you?" 

"I suppose he was checking for Dungbombs, oh yeah, I forgot to tell you . . . . ." Harry said, and started telling them about sending the letter to Sirius and Filch coming seconds later. He left out Cho, which confused me. 

"Where are we going anyway?" I asked. 

"I've told everyone to meet me in the Hog's Head, the other pub, you know the dodgy one. It's not on the main street. Students don't usually go in there, so I don't think we'll be overheard." 

We entered the pub to see a dirty, small room which smelled like goats. 

"I don't know about this, Hermione." Harry said, nervously. "hasn't it occurred to you that Umbridge might be under that?" he said, looking pointedly at a heavily veiled witch. 

"Umbridge is shorter than that, And anyway, even if Umbridge does come in here there's nothing she can do to stop us, Harry, because I've double- and triple-checked the school rules. We're not out-of-bounds; I specifically asked Professor Flitwick whether students were allowed to come in the Hog's Head, and he said yes, but he advised me strongly to bring our own glasses.And I've looked up everything I can think of about study groups andhomework groups and they're definitely allowed. I just don't think it's a good idea if we parade what we're doing." 

"Yeah, no kidding Hermione." I said. 

The barman came out when I said that. He was a grumpy old man who had a lot of grey hair and beard. His face looked extremely familiar to me, but I couldn't put my finger on it. 

"What?" he grunted. 

"Four butterbeers, please." Hermione said. 

The man reached behind the counter and extracted four dusty bottles, and slammed onto the bar. "Eight Sickles." 

"I'll get them." Harry said. I didn't pay attention, because I was staring at the man, trying to figure out where I know him from. 

He met my eye contact, and his eyes widened. "You know, you look exactly like my sister." 

"Really?" I asked, surprised. 

"Yeah." he grunted. 

"What happened to her?" I asked, interested. 

"She died a horrible death, by the hands of Grindelwald." he said, sighing. 

"Oh no! I'm so sorry." I said, trying my best to comfort him, which felt weird. 

Then my head started throbbing again. 

I saw a blurred image of a dead girl on the floor which two red-head boys with their wands out and blasts of green and red blew out, then I saw the ceiling stained by a face of blood, before I collapsed. 

Sorry everyone for the short chapter! 

The first DA meeting will happens next chapter!

Everyone should comment and vote, pls! 


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