Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Martinus view

- Marcusss hurry up we're going to be late!                                                              

- Yeah yeah coming I don't even know why know why you are this stressed we are literally done with our performance just relax yourself , he said with an overly calm voice.

- I know but I just don't want to miss our flight you know that we are supposed to meet Emma in Berlin and I really don't want to miss it. I'm really excited to finally see her again after some time.

- Yeah I get it just give me like 5 minutes and I will be done, he answered however his voice had became louder.

I loved Marcus however constantly being with him could be pretty annoying especially considering that we may look alike but our personalities are pretty much opposing. On top of that he also has a girlfriend. I am not saying that I don't like her it is just a bit wierd since he now can't do all the things with me as of before. But I am still really happy for them, they are a match made in heaven. I could imagine them marrying in the future. I personally don't really want a girlfriend. I just think that it is to much commitment especially at such a young age. Sure in the future I want to marry and have kids but now, now I just want to enjoy my live and have a bit of fun and freedom.

5 Minutes later

We were both on our way to the airport. Marcus was wearing a black baggy jeans and a white tank top, over his neck his blue headphones Max were hanging and he was pushing his Rimova luggage with his right hand. I was wearing some grey sweatpants and my blue T-shirt which  I had taken form my brother some months ago but luckily I had convinced him from the fact that I had the same one.

As we arrived at the airport crowds of fans were rushing towards us. People from left and right were screaming our names and reporters were constantly taking pictures. Luckily our manager had brought us both a pair of sunglasses since he had expected for this to happen. He really was amazing, he always helped out with almost everything.

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