Chapter 7

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Punishment and Justice are curious words. They almost change their meaning depending on the feelings and moments... sometimes words also change depending on where they are placed in a sentence.

When punishment is a cause of justice. When justice is the reason or the effect of punishment.

And when they get confused with each other. It happens that when fear creeps in... things can degenerate and make everything look black.

Two souls risk extinguishing a small flame that can become a burning fire, because hope costs too much and fear whispers. It takes a lot of strength to break fear and believe.


Steam came out of the tub and Kakarot was lost in admiring the blurred patterns of the hot water that used the night sky as a canvas.

The shore leave was over, the next day he and Krillin would leave again on the Galactic Patrol. It was his second time back to Earth for his shore leave. He was glad that he could have the chance to see old friends and meet new friends, but his mind was almost never present.

Roshi had been particularly strict in the new training and Kakarot was enthusiastic about it... it kept him busy. Mind and body. He had also met other martial and non-martial arts masters who had taught him new techniques, including a meditation technique that helped him tap into the remotest areas of his ki and mind.

Sometimes he wondered what would happen if he closed Vegeta's memories or erased them. As the Priestess wanted. And even now, immersed in very hot water, a shiver went through him, making him hug his chest and curl his tail around his waist.

The nights would have been without dreams of a future that could not exist... yes, perhaps he would have found peace... but what is peace without a beating heart.

His heart had been making a strange noise ever since he'd chosen to go to Earth—ironically his father had offered him yet another alternative... leave the Patrol and find another job that would allow him to stay on Vegetasei. Kakarot had refused. And he had waited for Vegeta until the end at the end of the first cycle of missions after that mess.

Vegeta never came. Rear Admiral Vegeta remained the iron and powerful presence, a proud warrior. Without his royal title... the Rear Admiral continued to administer and organize missions, training and creating political and military strategies. He kept fighting like a fury.

Kakarot had seen the Rear Admiral giving orders and fighting. Everyone admired the Rear Admiral so much... former Prince of all Saiyans... the last one who called him Prince had a bad time in the training room and then had a series of horrendous missions.

Kakarot occasionally looked at the Rear Admiral, he secretly called him my Prince... and he was worried. Always so serious... always so tense and nervous.

The young Saiyan's heart beat erratically every time he dared to sense the Rear Admiral's ki... it was so turned off, then it flared up in battle, threatening to turn the Rear Admiral himself to ashes.

Kakarot wanted to do something, but what? The last time he smiled, because he couldn't do otherwise, at the end of a mission, the Rear Admiral looked at him as if he didn't exist... continuing to walk and check, asking for reports, accounts and the number of wounded and casualties .

Krillin had patted his arm but he had barely noticed.

He thought that not saying anything to his best friend would help pretend like nothing ever happened. It hadn't happened. The mind goes to strange places... and he needed to say things out loud to make sure they weren't just cute stories she was telling herself to... deny the messes that really happened.

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