Monday, November 10th, 2014

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After a rather frustrating day spent futilely trying to find where the victim had been before she died I decided to call it a day.

The next morning, at a merciful hour this time, there was another loud knocking on the door. Getting up from my makeshift desk, I opened the door to find the boys waiting for me.

"Got a break through?" I asked, wondering why they had bothered to come here instead of texting me to come to Baker Street. Sherlock was bouncing on the balls of his feet and John was looking worried. I took this to mean something else had happened. "What is it?"

"We'll tell you in the car. Come on," Sherlock said brusquely. I followed, curiosity over the current case making me forget the project I'd been working on before I'd been interrupted.

Once the three of us had climbed into the taxi, Sherlock updated me on what had happened.

"Lestrade called," he said. "There's been another one."

"Another murder?" I asked. "That's the second one in two days! Are they connected?"

"We'll find out once we get there," Sherlock replied.

"Does this mean it's a serial killer?" I wondered.

"No," said John. "Well... Not yet."

We pulled up by a construction site that had been mostly cleared, although I could still hear work going on on the topmost floors. The room was dimly lit but the place was swarming with police who were busy cordoning off the area. In one corner, I could see the huddled shape of a body. Sherlock and John ducked under the police tape and headed in the direction of Lestrade. I followed their lead, but didn't bother talking to the DI. I headed towards the body on the floor, careful not to touch anything. The victim was in her teens, dark skinned with a purple party dress on. She was propped up in a corner, terror stretching her face into a grotesque but silent scream. Even in death, her brown eyes seemed to plead for a mercy that never came. I crouched and looked closer. Her feet were bare and bloodied but a pair of heels were on the floor a few feet from the body. I went over to them and saw that the soles were scuffed and worn.

"What do you think?" Sherlock's voice came from right behind me, making me jump. I didn't bother looking at him. His voice told me I was being tested.

"I'd say they're connected. The murders look almost identical. She was chased, hence the bare feet and the fact that she's backed into a corner. She too, looks like she's been to a party or a date last night. Hang on," I said, looking closer at the victim. A glint of silver caught my eye. "That's a promise ring," I told Sherlock. "She has a boyfriend."

"Irrelevant," Sherlock dismissed the fact. Other than that, he looked grudgingly impressed. I frowned.

"Has Scotland Yard got an ID for her yet?" I asked. Sherlock shook his head.

"I told them to look in missing persons because they weren't going to get anything useful from the victim."

"Does Lestrade think these two killings are connected?" I asked.

"He's not that stupid."

"That almost sounded like a compliment, Sherlock Holmes," I told him, feigning shock. He ignored me, as expected.

"Hey!" One of the PCs pointed in my direction. "Who are you?" I glared at Sherlock.

"Am I actually supposed to be here?" I asked him quietly as the Constable started towards me.

"You're with me."

"Why do I get the feeling you're lying?" I asked suspiciously. He ignored me. Again. By this time, the police constable had reached us.

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