laa laa and the school bus 3

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This story is dedicated to my friends
@AxalKay and @Ericjrwatsongmail
Hope you enjoy this story leave me a comment with you like

One minute to go Sixty 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 school kids let me hear you count the last thirty 29 28 27 26 25
All Through This hour Lord be my guide That by the power
Kids get ready to count
No foot shall slide 11
Ten nine eight seven six five four three two one school is out it Victoria weekend the kids screaming excited it the long weekend

The kids were running out of the school headed home for the long weekend laa laa was driving her yellow school bus she wasn't sure about the weather in Colorado usa laa laa could remember that time when she tried to get her bus started up in the cold winter air her bus did start up but her bus didn't move her tires spun in place her engine revving but nothing happened she tried getting her bus to move in reverse nothing happened she tried to get her bus going forward but it didn't move
BIBBALY-CHEESE said laa laa
Laa laa remembered that moment she drove her yellow school bus away from the school her bus had her curly antenna windshield wipers axl kay if you're enjoying it let me hear you
Laa laa kept on driving her yellow school bus with her yellow foot on the gas pedal she continued to drive her bus down the road she saw cars passing by her yellow school bus

( If you never ever seen laa laa and the school bus full movie you should actually really enjoy it it has 5200 words)
Hope you enjoy this story see ya in the next one happy long weekend

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