My Eyes Are Green

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Hey, everyone I know it's been a while but I finally have time and motivation so here it is.


My eyes are green, like the forest floor or fresh grass in the spring. They sparkle in the summer light, just as fairy tales describe green eyes. In the autumn, they reflect the golden hues of falling leaves, and in the winter, they hold the promise of new growth beneath the snow. Each season brings a new depth to their color, making them a window to the changing world around me. At least that's what I try to believe.

But the bitter truth remains: I will never be told by someone that my eyes are beautiful, that they aren't just green. They are the windows to my soul, a soul shrouded in loneliness and despair but beautiful nonetheless. I will never hear those words uttered from another human being.

Instead, I carry the crushing weight of knowing that my eyes will forever go unnoticed and unloved. The hope I once clung to for someone to look into them and understand has long since withered away, replaced by a desolate acceptance of their perpetual obscurity. As my sorrow continues to deepen, my eyes serve as silent witnesses, bearing the scars of a lifetime of neglect and abandonment. Though the world may remain indifferent with its silence, my eyes will continue to tell their tragic tale, a tale of yearning and unrequited longing, unseen but ever present.

In those fleeting moments of solitude, when the darkness threatens to consume me whole, I am reminded of the cruel reality that I am destined to be forever unseen, forever unheard. My eyes have borne witness to too much pain, too much heartache, to harbor any illusions of hope. They are a reflection of all the love I've desperately sought and never found, all the dreams I've dared to dream and watched crumble to dust. And so, they remain as they have always been: green, forsaken, and eternally alone.

Well, there it is for now, if you like it let me know I'm thinking about doing versions for the other eye colors as well. ;) 333 words

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