anxiety (maybe part 2)

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Anxiety, anxiety cannot be completely explained for it is not the same for everyone set the most common knowledge of anxiety is affected it grabs you by the throat and screams in your face "how worthless you are" it cannot be cured for it is not a disease it is a plague, a plague we do not have medicine to stop it, we have medicine to subside it but it always sits in the back of your mind screaming profanities to let it out, you try your hardest to scream back "no" but the voices in your head mute your pleads of protest to refuse it's freedom, you know it's breaking free you scream and you scream for help but nobody hears you you're pleads fall on a deaf world you wish you could tell someone just a single thing what's going on but nobody can be trusted. Your friends, your family they all try so hard to fix you what's that saying the saying that goes even if you try to fix the glass the crack neck leaves just like anxiety, depression, Etc all those things that we call mental illnesses. but how can we call them illnesses if they're not something we can just fix like that not something your body can stop and get rid of. I wish so badly to get rid of them so I can feel the day where the pain isn't so much I have to cry myself to sleep with the tears I could not shed during the day.

Thank you all for waiting so long for me to finally update I'm sorry I just haven't seemed to have any inspiration of as of late😅😌

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