Chapter 17: No Progress?

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A/N: First of all, I want to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for reading my fic!!! Reading, liking, commenting! It always makes me so happy that people enjoy reading my fic and letting me know their thoughts. Even if I don't like or respond to every one of your comments, I read them all!!! I see all of your comments!! <3

One thing I like about wattpad is the fact that readers have the option to start conversations or reply to each other's comments in every chapter!!! It has something of a community and I like to see how my readers get to talk to one another

By the way! FEEL FREE TO RECOMMEND MY FIC TO OTHER ITAFUSHI SHIPPERS!! I don't know how active the Itafushi community is on wattpad or how many on-going Itafushi fics exist here, but if you know people who would like to read an angsty & smutty Itafushi longfic, tell them about my fic ;DDDD

Onto the story now! (This is NOT a filler chapter)

A scoop of light angst for this chapter, no more than that (Say 'thank you, author-san' /j)

Chapter summary: Megumi is not sure how to deal with the situation.


"Regret won't bring you anywhere. Stuff has already happened. What happened, happened. You can't change anything about it anymore and there is no use in losing a single breath on regretting it or crying over it. All that is left for you to do is to face the consequences. Face the mistakes, if that's what you consider them to be. The only thing you can do is to deal with them. Deal with it in a way that you can endure it. In a way that is not self-destructive." For the finishing line, Toji went dead serious, "Whatever you do, good or bad, live with it. You have to live with it."

'The only thing left for you to do is to deal with it.'

Strangely enough, somehow, in some way, that advice was giving Megumi some sort of comfort.

It was giving him a direction on how to go on.

Megumi would have to deal with his mistakes.


It was Monday morning and Megumi had come back from his father's home.

Monday morning meant attending the joint class. At first, Megumi had been reluctant about going there – for obvious reasons – but then he thought it absurd to let his studies suffer because of Yuuji's presence in one of his classes. It was absurd to Megumi. He was a med student after all. He had a lot of medicine-related things to worry about ...

Megumi had no intentions on acting like a coward.

So, as usual, he was sitting at the very front by the windows, waiting for the class to start. The seminar room filled in with people and the elderly professor arrived last.

As always, the lecturer would make an attendance check first, but Megumi wasn't paying attention to that. His father's words were ghosting inside his head, however he couldn't make good use of them yet.

Megumi wanted to deal with the consequences of his own actions in an endurable way, but he couldn't figure out how exactly it could be expanded onto his problem when it concerned not only him, but also Yuuji.

Megumi had realized that he had to deal with his mistake.

How exactly should he go on, though? How should he live with it in particular?

Megumi was confused. He was indecisive. At a loss for solutions.

A novel difficulty in his life, a novel kind of hopelessness, novel feelings ...

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