Chapter 1

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It was a crisp, clear morning in the depths of the forest. The sunlight streamed through the dense canopy of trees, painting the forest floor in a warm, golden light. The air was filled with the sounds of birdsong, the rustling of leaves, and the distant murmur of a nearby stream. A young girl, no older than 18, stepped out from behind a giant oak tree, her long, (Color/Hair) whipping about in the gentle breeze. She was clad in a tattered, hand-me-down dress, the hemline stained with dirt and grass. Her bare feet were callused and dirty, but she paid them little mind as she scanned the forest around her.

Her name was (Y/N), and she had been living in these woods for as long as she could remember. Her parents had died from an unknown sickness abandoned her here when she was just a young girl, leaving her to fend for herself against the harsh realities of the wild. Over the years, she had learned to survive; to hunt, to forage, and to build makeshift shelters. But one thing she had never learned how to do was read. She had tried, of course, but the few books she had found in the abandoned cabins spotting the forest were either too advanced for her or missing vital pages.

You made your way over to the nearby stream, your bare feet sinking into the soft, dew-drenched grass. The stream gurgled merrily as it flowed over the smooth rocks. (Y/N) knelt down, feeling the cold water lap at your legs, and began to assemble your makeshift fishing tools. You were very lucky it was fishing season.

You'd fashioned a crude hook from a bent twig and sharpened it with a piece of flint. For bait, you used bits of berries and worms you'd collected over the past few days. A length of strong, fibrous vine served as your fishing line. With these humble materials, you hoped to catch something for breakfast and keep stocked for the next couple days.

Later that day you had managed to catch quite a lot of fish, the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of red and orange. You went to your makeshift shelter and started a fire to cook your hard-earned fish. The fish was cooked through, the fish firm and flakey just the way you liked it. The taste was sweet and salty at the same time, with a hint of smoke from the fire. It was perfection.

As the stars came out, twinkling in the night sky, you fell asleep to the soothing stream, feeling more content and at a peace than you ever had before.

Hoping for tomorrow that you would find more like yourself. 


That's a wrap for the first chapter, it's not really interesting, I'm just writing about what the reader does throughout the day, maybe in the next chapter she'll meet Mae or Noa, idk I'm still rough drafting. But hope y'all enjoyed this chap! Panda out!

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