Jackson Wang

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Just like my dream with yugy, this is in a first-person pronoun because I sent this to him on IG.

I dreamt of you. Partly, I remembered. We're having a conversation here on Instagram like we really knew each other well. We're talking about those antis who kept on making you uncomfortable.

Then here I am as your luckiest fan, trying to feel you alright by laying away that topic into a casual ones like how's your life, do you eat properly, how your store doing, etc.

Suddenly, we personally met in a room, but you left a while with an open-ended conversation with me. While waiting, (i think one of) your staffs asked me to leave the room because other fans might get to see me and also wait for you (and it is not right since our meet was a private one like you and I only knows).

I told them that I'm a fan whom you invited to. They don't believe me, that's why I give them my phone to check that you really invited me. After that, they let me stay, and I happened to see that there are fans who know that you're in that location.
I was shocked because your staff may think that I told them, but honestly, I didn't. My dream ended up still waiting for your return.

Personal Dreams (I swear this is not a fanfic story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang