51 : Parcel

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When her belongings were searched thoroughly, they found ammunition, arms and a lot of things that shouldn't be with a common girl. It couldn't be the belongings of a mere translator or manager

I didn't look through her thing, I couldn't bring myself to do that. It was done by Taehyung and the staff.

"Jungkook's here" Taehyung's voice alarms me

I load my revolver's mixine to the brim, ready to empty it in his head

"Where's Yena?" I ask, him on my gunpoint

"She asked me to drop her somewhere" he says with his arms raised in surrender


"Jimin, it's just a girl" he says trying to come close to me

"SHE'S MY GIRL, MY WOMAN, YOU BASTARD" I say firing on the wall behind him

He takes the gun out of his leather jacket, the only moment I regret having the world's best shooter under my wing is when I know he's setting fire on my feathers

"IT'S EITHER YOU TELL ME OR YOU DIE'" I day firing at him, as soon as he starts firing towards me, all the guys alarmed run towards my room

Taehyung already starts shooting at Jungkook.

"I'll die either way, Park Jimin. It's better if I make an impact" he says, his eyes red

I know mine are more red in color by how much they're stinging

"Spill it, Jungkook. His patience is running thing"Taehyung says with Jungkook on my knees

It took him two bullets on either of his knees to kneel

"NO" He says


"She was a spy, always been one and never loved you, she was here because of the government. To conquer you, the beast and prove herself the patriot. She's planning on killing you eventually" Jungkook says grinning and he starts coughing blood

I fire a string of bullets in his heart

"Call Somi, inform her of her brothers death and if she's not here in an hour, dispose the body in the sea"I command

Half an hour later, it's me beside the dead body of Jeon Jungkook when Jeon Somi walks inside and falls down. Eyes tearing, staring at me and her brother.

I was about to storm out of the room when she grabbed my knees

"What's did he do?" She asked, the first time I heard her voice breaking

"Betrayed me" I say, shaking her off of my feet. I don't kick her but I don't have time for her bullshit either

"Move her aside" I call for my men when she doesn't budge and that does the trick

I sit in my room, clutching my forehead. Never in a million years did I expect there will come a day when I'd dirty my hands with the blood of Jungkook.

Sure, I've gave him quite a lot of threats but they were only half hearted. I never meant it, but I also never expected him to betray. Out of the handful people I trusted, he was the closest to me.

Always beside me, yet even so, always defying me now that I see

*Nock nock*

Two nocks at the door hinder the trail of my thoughts.

"Come in" I say absently

"Jungkook, is being buried, do you want to join?" Taehyung  says, his voice hoarse. I know he's cried all this time

"Is it some buffet that I'd wanna join? Get lost" I say

He's probably resenting me now, I don't blame him, I am resenting me too. I'm pathetic, I just put eight bullets in the body of my best man.

No one is loyal, I guess the only loyalty I should expect is from dogs.

Yet I raised son of bitches and not dogs, how stupid of me.

The bottles of red liqueur were restacked, I'm sure Jungkook had brought them. He's the only one who used to steal my bottles so when I broke all of them, he was the one to bring them back.

Smart of him to leave me company I can use after him, I pour myself a glass inspite of knowing there may me poison.

And surprise, surprise, I still don't die.

Yena's Point Of View:

When my eyes and mouth are freed again, I know it's Seokjin.

I  loathe myself for the fact that I used to respect this man at one time. I guess, they've all been nothing but criminals. Jimin in broad daylight and them in their cowardly dens

"You promised to free her, why are you doing this?"  I ask when I see him tying a bow

A bow on top of a huge box that has been covered in gold wrapping. I know exactly what it held, even the thought is making me upset to my stomach.

"My breach of promise is just a returning favor for your breach of promise " he laughs

"You're not a human being " I say in disgust

"You're not different, did you forget how many you've killed yourself?" He taunts

"That's very different, I've killed criminals "  I object

"That's the point, to me Jimin and his mother are criminals. " He says

"You ruthless bastard, you'll pay for you sins, Jimin is coming for you". I say

"I am waiting for him, don't worry. I'll make sure not to lack in hospitality" he says

"He's going to end you " I say

"Yeah, yeah. Stop with you load of bull. You've had you share of fun  acting as the lover girl right? That's all gonna end, he'll find out who you are soon enough. He'll come for his mother, not you " he says

I stay quiet

Jimin's Point Of View :

"Boss, a parcel has arrived for you"

"Boss, a parcel has arrived for you"

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