You left me on seen forever

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"I wish I could see you one more time again,
And hear your lovely voice as we would play pretend.
But now this message is too late for me to send."
-To You by OR3O

Sending you messages in the past was like a fleeting moment,
The moment it's sent,
The moment I'd get a reply back.
But now the messages sent are there as a statue,
It's there, but no longer appreciated.
Sharing things with you is no longer worth it,
You'd leave it there anyways.

It's like leaving a coffee jar open for a long period of time after use,
To the point it's stale and no longer flavourful.

But now you left me on seen forever,
And there is nothing I can do anymore.
You've won this time,
I've raised my white flag.
I'll no longer fight for your attention,
I'm just another fly to you, a fleeting bug.
I'll learn to move on from you now,
I hope you're happy.

I hope you're happy how much you've made me cry,
The cries were full of pain and agony, even filled with regret.
Giving up on what we had won't be easy,
If I ever relapse and cry for your attention.
Just ignore me, I'm not a big deal.
I'll try to move on from you now,
I hope you're happy.

I'll remember the memories,
But I'll keep moving on now.
Staying in the shadows of our past is no longer worthwhile,
Because I know nothing will change either way.
If I relapse, it's not your fault,
It'd be mine.
As for I am a lonely person and times when no one is around,
Don't blame yourself, just blame me.

Seeing you active, but I'll never get the courage to message you again.
Messaging won't be much of a difference, cause you won't care if I am still around or not.
Let alone, it seems you won't even care if I'm dead either, so be it.

"You left me on seen, bet it's so fun to you.
You left me on seen, but it kills me to talk to you.
You left me on seen, but I will not forgive you.
I'll just break my spleen, just so you'd see me too."
-You left me on seen by Yumiko

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