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The first time i saw him it was on a rainy day the smell of rain, his wet, glossy, blond hair i would never forget not that i could . I was planning on spending the rest of my off under my super comfy blanket with a cup of hot chocolate and finally finish the book i was reading. Somewhere had been the title of the book  standing in front of the kitchen counter staring at my empty mug like it would magically produce the hot drink i'm not lazy but there are  times i just don't want to do anything .Penelope was dozing in her dog bed her snores loud enough to overcome the sounds from the TV playing a soap opera, one of emerald's favorite. after few minutes I realized that i in fact, do not have any magical powers that could make a hot chocolate out of thin air and decided to settle with some chips i was about to open the shelf when i heard that knock pausing me in my tracks, i ran a mental list on who it could be the knocking came again a little frantic than the last the urge to ignore was strong who in their right senses would be out in this heavy rain with a sigh i walked towards the door  looking back now i'm glad I didn't ignore it .
      The cold breeze was the first thing that I felt after opening the door but what made me shocked, was him.He was standing there drenched like an abandoned puppy his blond hair wet and glossy from the rain ,his clothes dripping wet on my porch, his green eyes as bright as his grin holding a single sunflower in front of him. Later i would wonder what would have happened had I closed the door

   " F-for you " he said and thrust the wet flower towards me

Being surprised would be an understatement when you see a wet stranger/your neighbor in front of your porch  a neighbor because have seen him quite a few times in the blue house in front of mine after moving in three weeks ago a stranger because we have never met in person or have a conversation  before

   " Um.. thanks?" This is weird.that might have been it as he broke out into a silly giggle yes a giggle his green eyes shining even brighter

   " It pretty like you" the way blood rushed to my cheeks made me want to crawl under my blankets

   " I want to give it before and i slept off not sure you home but now i can" why is he talking like that was the first question i thought of before asking my self why i thought he was kind of adorable like a little child proud in the drawing of his parents even if  they were just multicolored stick people.

     " Aren't you cold? " i asked. an  obvious question he's wet and outside of course he's cold another blush bloomed on my cheeks as i realized my brain have decided to take a trip to stupidland .

   " So red and pretty" he poked my cheeks saying in voice of a curious toddler before shivering and then frown

   " So cold " he stated and made me wonder if it wasn't only my brain that had taken this trip

   "Um you should go and dry up and oh thanks for the flower? " I told him about to close the door when he grabbed it

    " No don't go" I blinked rapidly trying to make of what ever this situation is while staring at the hands holding the knob

    " Please" he sounded sad the glow in his  eye dimed coupled with his shivering and wet clothes he really looked like an abandoned puppy i
turn to look at the down pouring rain and a made decision,a decision that many would have criticize me for but it was also decision i later  realized was the best
     " Come in " I said .

Oh wow i started this novel on a whim with zero plot in mind so i don't know how it would turnout and also cannot with to find out so if you enjoyed this chapter please let me know by commenting also English is not really my forte if any grammatical error please let me know good critizm is welcomed

_bunny🐇 .

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