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Vibrant flora filled the garden, every plant and flower bright with life from the years of care and nurturing they had.

It was Vine Staff's garden, and she took great pride and joy in being the one to care for it. It was her favorite place to think and relax while tending to the plants as if they were her own.

But every time she was here, she couldn't help thinking about how she was eventually going to be one of them. She knew the curse would take over her entire being, yet she still found it difficult to accept.

But she attempted to push the thoughts away for now, especially since she has some company.

Medkit had decided to join her in the garden today, with Vine Staff teaching him how to plant some daises. Medkit was impressed by her seemingly endless knowledge of gardening and plants and was glad that she was willing to let him partake in her favorite pastime with her.

Usually Vine Staff would talk on and on about plants whenever they did this together, but today she was quieter and seemed more distracted. Medkit took notice of this.

"Are you okay?" he asked, turning to look at her.

"Huh? Oh, yes. I'm fine, Medkit," Vine Staff responded, but she didn't meet his eyes.

"Are you sure? You seem to have something on your mind."

"I'm sure."

Medkit nodded in acknowledgement as they continued on with the lesson. Once it was over, the two decided to just stroll around the garden, enjoying the fresh floral scent and the slight breeze in the air. There was some conversation, but Vine Staff was almost forcing herself to respond.

She didn't understand why she felt so strange today. She knew she shouldn't let her feelings ruin this peaceful moment, yet the thoughts of how she would no longer be around to experience these moments kept coming back. She was starting to get frustrated with herself.

Her attention suddenly shifted to a particular flower. She walked up to it, ceasing her previous conversation.

"You know, I always liked epiphyllums," she said, her fingers softly brushing against the white petals. "It symbolizes how nothing lasts forever. I feel like that sort of resonates with me."

Medkit walked up next to her. "What do you mean?"

Vine Staff froze. She said too much, didn't she? "Oh, it's nothing."

Medkit stared at her with a stern expression. "You haven't been acting yourself today. You know you can talk to me if anything is wrong."

Vine Staff sighed and nodded. She glanced at her cursed arm. "I'm just... thinking about some things."

"Like what?"

"It's... I keep thinking about this... this horrible curse. I don't understand why I had to get it. I don't understand why it even exists at all." She wanted to stop speaking, she didn't want to burden Medkit with all her silly worries, but it was too late. The words came spilling out faster than she could stop them.

"I... I know I need to accept that I'll be gone someday, but... but I can't, and I don't know why." Her voice was starting to tremble and tears pricked her eyes. She silently reprimanded herself for getting to this point. "I'm... I'm worried about what'll happen after... after that. I don't... I don't want to... to leave you, or... or Shuri, or-"

Medkit grabbed her hands and squeezed them, causing Vine Staff to completely burst into tears. She tried wiping away the tears but her attempts were futile, and her breaths came in quick, shallow gasps. "I'm- I'm sorry-"

Medkit pulled her into a hug, gently rubbing her back. "Shh. It's okay."

The two stood there for a while, Vine Staff pouring out all her pent-up, complicated emotions and thoughts onto Medkit's shoulder. He stayed as patient and understanding as always.

Vine Staff eventually managed to calm down after a few breathing exercises, although the heavy realization of her fate still weighed down on her. But it felt nice to have someone listen. She let go of the hug, but she still clung onto Medkit's shoulders.

Medkit gently traced his fingers over her wooden arm. "It's okay if you're not ready to accept it yet. It's hard to." He reached up to wipe the remaining tears away from her eyes. "Even though there probably isn't anything we can do about it, you can still live a life full of purpose and meaning."

Vine Staff sniffed. "You really think so?"

"I know so."

She smiled slightly as Medkit pulled her into another warm embrace. Suddenly the curse seemed less scary, although she was still filled with apprehension when she thought about her fate.

But maybe it was going to be okay. She knew how much Medkit and everyone else would miss her after she was gone, but they would continue to fulfill their lives while keeping her memory close to their heart, just as she would've wanted.


i recoil in cringe everytime i read this hahaha hope you enjoyed ig

ik vine staff doesnt turn into a tree in canon but i dont care


insert awesome title 😎😎💯💯🔥🔥 (medstaff thing)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن