Chapter 15: What You'd Call A Dream

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All rights to this song goes to Craig Carnelia.

There are two men out, and it's in the ninth, and the score is four to three

There's a man on first, and a man at bat, and the man at bat is me

And I'm sorta scared, and I'm sorta proud, and I'm stronger than I seem

And I take a swing, and my dad is there, and it's what you'd call a dreamFor the ball flies in the sun, and it sails off as I run

The crowd is roaring, cheering as I go, so are

all the guys on the teamAnd I run for home, and we win the game, and it's what you'd call a dream

And the sun shines like diamonds

The summer sun shines like diamondsThe summer sun, high in a baseball sky, shines like diamonds

And the sun shines like diamondsThere are two men out, and it's in the ninth, and the score is four to three

There's a man on first, and a man at bat, and the man at bat is meAnd it's what you'd call a dream

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