Bad Plans or good plans, have you got any?

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It was Friday, the ninth day in the facility, and the day they planned to escape. Jane led the team, walking ahead of them. Each member holding an instrument fashioned from the iron sand and wood found within the facility. With spears in hand, they advanced cautiously, like gladiators on a battlefield.

Jane's resolve remained firm, brave and courageous, as they approached the facility gate, moving quietly to avoid attracting the attention of the infected roaming nearby. Amidst the eerie silence, they encountered scenes of death and decay, the remnants of a once-thriving community.

They made their way out of the facility walking quietly by every step
they take. They had just walked past an infected seen eating and
feeding on a decayed body but seem a bit fresh like it just killed its
prey, probably someone who was looking for help or a hideout. Just as
they walked past quietly, Maria recalled, Lisa telling her she heard a
shout outside of the facility, and the noise was a bit loud but ended
quick, sounded like someone who was attacked unnoticed but got killed

The whole street was filled with dead bodies or human part littered
everywhere, homes lefts abandoned and business places broken, filled
with silence and eerie sounds. The sun was out and very hot that they
could feel their skins burningbut they had no choice but bear the heat
from the hot so as they escape the infected.

Rufus, however, harbored doubts about their escape plan, his unease compounded by a troublesome stomach. Despite his discomfort, he pressed on, suppressing his concerns amid the team's preparations. He wasn’t feeling the whole escape plan as he seems to have a bad feeling about it and a running stomach. Every grumbles that comes from his stomach could be heard loud. “Are you okay? Jane stopped to ask him. But each time he replied. “I’m fine, just my stomach talking, feels like I need to take a shit”… “Or you’re probably hungry again, since you’ve eaten all the ration of food left with that glutton stomach of yours.” Maria cut him off before he could finish

“What is it with you, this woman? Why are you always poking into my
matter, did I ever owe you anything?” Rufus answered defensibly.

Jane couldn’t take their argument anymore and had to put a stop. “Will
you two just stop this arguments and shut the hell up?” we are trying to
survive here and get out of this alive quietly, but you guys are not helping with your arguments like babies. For Christ sake, just stop it!”

Their journey was fraught with peril, with encounters with the infecteds testing their mettle at every turn. Amidst heated arguments and moments of doubt, Jane's leadership remained steadfast, guiding them through each obstacle with determination.

Oh shit, no! Rufus exclaimed upon seeing an infected walking toward
them. “Everybody behind me and on my mark, now!” Jane shouted hurriedly upon sighting other infecteds walking and running towards them. They made haste to run into the Waffle store at the side of the street, making sure they hid themselves behind the counter so as to stay out of sight. The infecteds ran towards them hurriedly, trying to catch up with them. Jane was the last to enter the store, she shut the door behind her and stood firm waiting for the infected. Rufus had stood with her as they pounced on the first two infecteds that came through the door. Maria who was peeping from behind the counter, couldn’t bear to watch them fight them fight the infecteds alone, jumped over to help them as they overcame the fight, each of them tired and exhausted. They sat down to rest, Kofi and Lisa had come out from hiding to join them at the round table.

Maria stood up and walked back to the counter to see if there was any
leftover. She was lucky to find water and drinks from the little refrigerator standing beside the cashier stand, filled with few soda drinks and bottled waters. Lisa helped her move some to the table where others were sitting giving everyone, each for themselves. Maria walked to the kitchen to see if there could be any leftover waffles, and lucky for them, she found some leftover in cartons and some still in the process of making but covered with maggots and flies perching over them. “These are not bad, they still look pretty good to me” Lisa acknowledges opening one of the cartons, “and they taste good too.”

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