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Loosely based on a factual story, this is love story of Roxanne and Jake. Roxanne has tried with guys, but they always end up dropping her for some other girl.

Jake is the first guy in a long time who actually seems to like Roxanne for who she is. He is someone that she can talk to, and make eye contact with, not being scared of how he sees her. She can have conversations with him, and he actually adds, he doesn't just rely on her to keep them going.

Jake is the guy of Roxanne's dreams, but will it work out?


I've tried. Guys just always end up finding someone else, or ignoring me. I don't understand where I'm going wrong. I just can't show people how I feel. Where do I go wrong with talking to them, do I scare them off with my overbearing personality? Am I cursed to be single forever? Cuz I would believe that, if someone just walked up to me and said "congrats failure, you have been cursed to be forever alone." I just want someone to love.

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