Chapter Fifteen

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"AAAHHH!" Both Callie and Maddie screamed as I pushed the button to open the garage door. "Not helping." I grumbled, and put the car into reverse.

"AAAAAAAHHH!" They screamed again. "Jesus fucking christ, shut up!" Daniel snapped. "You're going to make her crash!"

"Oh my god, I miss my mom." Callie whisper-screamed to Maddie. "We'll never get to see those devilishly handsome Anderson twins again," They leaned against each other in the back seat.

"We'll never get to kiss another guy," Callie continued. "And Alena will never get to tell the story of how she lost her virginity two nights ago." Maddie said, her eyes closing as she put a hand to her forehead.

My cheeks flamed as Daniel whipped his head toward me. "Who the hell-" "I'm your little sister, Dan, worry about me." Maddie butted in, grinning evilly at me.

"Oh my god, don't tell my mom." I said breathlessly. He eyed me. "Did you give your consent?" I squirmed uncomfortably. "Yes."

"Okay." He relented, then said with a smirk: "Was he good?" "DANIEL FUCKING FISHER!" I yelled, and he cackled.

"Wait, oh my god, there's a car behind me. What do I do? Should I pull over to the side of the road?" I asked, panicking. Daniel picked at his nails.

"Keep on driving, doofus. That's what you're supposed to do." "Oh my god, we're going to die." I squeaked, my hands clenching the steering wheel.

"I can't, I can't, I fucking can't." I said hysterically. "Yes you can." He rolled his eyes. "Girls are so dramatic." He grumbled.

"Daniel, I'm going to start crying, and then my vision will get all blurry, and I'll run us off the road and we'll die!" "Oh my god, just keep. Fucking. Driving." Daniel said, hitting the dashboard with every word.

"Okay, just keep on driving." I said shakily, letting out a deep breath. "Drive us to the gas station!" Callie crowed.

I knew which way to go, recalling all the times we had hauled Daniel out of bed at one in the morning to bring us to the gas station.

"Woo. you did it." Daniel said unenthusiastically as I pulled into the gas station. However, when I parked, I threw my hands up and squealed at the top of my lungs.

"WE AREN'T DEAD!" I turned to look at Maddie and Callie, who were equally excited. "WOO WE DON'T HAVE TO BUY HIM SNACKS ANYMORE!" Maddie shouted, and we all looked at Daniel and started cackling.

He rolled his eyes, then opened his door and strolled into the gas station. "Let's go!" Callie whooped, and we spilled out of the car.

"Oh my dear lord, hold." Callie suddenly said, and we all came to a screeching halt. "Hi." A guy nodded at us, and I spotted two more guys by his side, and my cheeks flamed.

Because one of those guys was the guy I had been two nights ago. Everyone else smirked at each other while me and Zavier looked at the ground.

I wanted to melt into the ground, but Maddie and Callie dragged his friends away and toward the drinks, leaving us alone.

"Hey." He said, offering me a smile. I smiled, my cheeks burning. "You...good?" He asked, and I started laughing. "I'm fine." "So, I know that wasn't really planned. Wanna go on a date?" He asked, a smirk climbing onto his face.

I smiled. "Sure. Just don't be surprised if Maddie and Callie hire the FBI to spy on us." "They can't. James and Asher already did." He said, jerking his thumb at his friends.

We laughed and he leaned closer. "It'll be a secret. Tell them it's on friday. I'll pick you up tonight at eight." I grinned.

"Make sure to dress in black." I said, and we snickered. "We're getting bored over here, finish talking!" One of his friends called, and we both took a step back.

Immediately, Callie and Maddie scurried over to me, holding drinks. "So?" I took a deep breath. "Friday." I said, and they both grinned wickedly.
"Hurry up or I'm leaving you." Daniel said from behind us, making us all yelp and jump. "Can't." I grinned smugly. "I got the keys."

That made all of us cackle until Daniel said: "Okay, I'm walking home. Then you can't drive." We shut up. Then we picked our snacks and paid, then left, with me behind the wheel.


"We're going to die." I said for the third time since we arrived at our location. "No, we're not. Come on." Zavier urged, grabbing my hand as we both clutched our flashlights.

True to our world, we were decked out in all black, and Zavier had brought black face paint that we had smeared under our eyes, grinning at each other.

"I'll take you to eat if we survive." He said, and we ventured into the house. I paused, because this was the farthest I had ever gone into the old Masoon mansion, where the spiraling staircase was broken and the windows were smashed.

Every time me and the girls tried it, we would run out screaming. I latched myself to Zavier's side, forgetting to aim my flashlight completely as I hugged him tightly, my heart hammering in my chest.

We shuffled across the floor toward the stairs, stopping at them. "Let's go." Zavier whispered, and I barely managed a nod.

We stepped onto the first step and made it halfway up when I heard a creak. I froze. "That was us." Zavier whispered, but sounded unsure.

We continued up, both of us silent. Then, we heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps and a door creaking open. We stumbled over each other as we ran toward the stairs.

I let out a blood curdling as my foot hit the stairs and the wood broke, and I was half convinced I was going to fall to hell right there and then.

"Zavier!" I screeched, and he pulled me out. "HOLY MOTHER FREAKIN SHIT BALLS." Zavier said as we ran out of the house and toward his truck.

We slammed our doors and Zavier stepped on the gas. We sped down the bumpy road, panting. We glanced at each other and started laughing.

I laughed so hard that I had to wipe away a few tears when I finally stopped. "God, I thought I was going to get snatched for a spirit ritual." I said, giggling.

"Me too. DQ?" He asked, and I nodded. When we arrived, we walked hand in hand inside, but froze the second we stepped through the door.

Because, there was Callie, Maddie, and his two friends, heads bent together as they whispered. "I get to wear the blonde wig!" One of them said, and me and Zavier quickly ducked behind the soda machine.

We pulled up our hoods. "Just don't look at them." Zavier said, and I nodded as we headed toward the register.

When we finished ordering, we scurried across the restaurant and sat at the farthest table from them.

"I'm going to call Alena. I need to see what she's doing." I heard Callie say, and I scrambled for my phone right as it began to ring. I turned it on silent, shoving it into my pocket.

"What are we supposed to do if they see us?" I hissed, leaning toward Zavier. He glanced at them, then at me.

"We run." He said, his words sending a thrill through me as I smiled. "217!" Our number was called and we both stood up.

"What the?" Maddie's voice said as she spotted us. Zavier snatched the bag off the counter and I blew a kiss to my friends, waving as we dashed out.

We hopped into his truck, laughing hysterically as the door flew open and all four of them flew out.

"Goodbye lovelies!" I called out the window, waving as though I was in a parade. We stopped at a local park, which by this time, was deserted.

We climbed to the top of the playground, munching on our fries and laughing for a long time after that. 


Again, I do not know why I do past chapters. Kinda pointless. Actually no. It's going to be regular for all of their stories. For Callie and Vance in particular. Yes. That is the reason. 

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