Chapter 5: Rescue

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A click startled Eileen awake. The last of her sleep was chased away as a figure stepped into the room. Gray eyes landed on the slumbering Ursus, before they flickered to her. "How is he?"

"He's better." Pushing herself off the bed, the bones in her back cracked from the sudden movement. "Thank you for helping me get him back to bed."

"Well, we can't have him overwork himself now can we?" His gaze flickered back to Ursus. As the silence between them grew, a question pressed against Eileen's chest.

"Pavel." He turned to her. "Ursus said something that I can't wrap my head around. He said something about being marked for death?"

"That." Pavel's jaw clenched. "It's complicated. People who are suffering and can't afford healing have the option to end their suffering another way."

"By agreeing to be killed."

A sigh left his lips. "Healing chambers are hard to make, Eileen and the liquid is only stable in them. That's going to make the cost of treatment go up."

"Still, there's nothing you can do? No programs to help out with payment or-" She trailed off. While her country wasn't the best when it came to stability and disability, at least they had things like disability paychecks. Granted the amount being paid to them could be debated as not enough.

"So what happens if you find a stable form for it then?" She countered. "Everyone will be allowed to use it?"

Pavel glanced away. "That's not my decision to make."

"How?" Eileen stepped forward. "How is that not your decision to make? You're the prince are you not? Can you just write it into law?"

Instantly, Pavel swirled. Gray eyes flashed. "That's not how it works!" His hands clenched into fists. "Does your president sign every law he thinks of into effect?"

Eileen's lips parted. Anger radiated off of Pavel a few seconds more, before he sighed. "Sorry, I'm just...a little irritated." A ding snapped his gaze to his watch.

At his frown, Eileen stepped forward. "Is something wrong?"

"No." Pavel waved her question away. "Everything is fine. In fact," he smiled. "Why don't you and I head out to the city? There are some last minute things I need to get and you could see our world first hand."

"I'm not sure," Eileen hesitated. Her gaze flickered back to Ursus's room. While she did want to see the city, the thought of leaving Ursus twisted her stomach into knots.

A hand squeezed her shoulder. "If you're worried about Ursus, then I'll have my best guards looking after him." His gaze softened. "I promise you nothing will happen to him on my watch."

Searching his gaze, Eileen sighed at his sincerity. "Alright, I guess I could go with you."

She let Pavel lead her down the hallway. "I know it may seem difficult to understand. Trust me, I'm not fond of these rules myself." His gaze flickered up to the portraits around them. His eyes darkened. "But when you have a kingdom that relies on perfection, it's hard to embrace change."

Passing servants, their heads lowered, leaving no one to even spare a second glance at them.

"Well if you're trying to change things, why kidnapped us?" Eileen frowned. "How could we possibly help?" No matter how many times she tried to wrap her head around it, the whole kidnapping part didn't make sense.

"Eileen," he turned fully to her. "How much did Ursus keep from you?" She knew he didn't mean it, but she couldn't stop the grimace that followed his words. The betrayal burned in her chest, threatening to consume her again. She turned away from him.

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