Chapter 1 - Starr park

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*Beep Beep Beep*

"Ughh seriously?? I really don't feel like going to work today" Edgar said to himself in an irritated voice laying in bed with the bright sun hitting his eyes. Soon enough his scarf nudged him "what?" he said sounding a bit ticked off with everything. He looked at his scarf, and it was pointing towards the door. "hmph fine I guess I'll get ready for work.."

10 minutes later

Edgar got his keys off the wall and left his house and walked to the gift shop dispite being tired, on his way he was listening to his usual loud rock music while being on his way as the sun began to rise. While being only a few minutes away he seemed to have spotted Colette heading to the gift shop as well.

Seeing her made his heart begin to beat faster then usual. In his mind he thought to himself "wow.. shes really adorable". Then the thought of her made him think about confessing his feelings to her. "I really don't know if telling her how I feel is a good idea.. what if she rejects me..?" he thought to himself being negative like usual about things. Before she reached the entrance of the gift shop she turned around and was distracted by the sight of the bright sky, Edgar sneakily snuck a picture of her while she wasn't looking. "Another one for the album" he whispered to himself.

At the starr park gift shop edgar and colette got busy cleaning and organizing. Edgar slowly made sure everything on the shelves where dusted properly and put back in order while Collette was busy counting money.

Edgar was really not in the mood for cleaning. *yawns* he began standing infront of the shelves inspecting everything with his eyes barely open
"I just wanted to sleep for a few more minutes.. can I have a small break for a momen5" he whispered to himself in a tired voice. Then his scarf slapped him in the head and gave him a thumbs down. "UGH SERIOUSLY??" he yelled." She looked back at him a bit confused "whats happening back there??". Edgar got embarrassed for yelling like that and he started blushing and quickly started acting productive. colette walked up behind him and tapped him on the shoulde. "hehe edgarrr why are you acting so strange for is everything okay?" "oh yeah i-im fine totally.. *sighs*"
"alrighty then" then went back to counting the money in the register.

In his mind he was freaking out "I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE APPROACHED ME LIKE THAT COULD THIS POSSIBLY MEAN ANYTHING" he thought while dusting off the starrdrop piggy banks.

"Edgar im all done counting the money for griff" she said in an exhausted voice. "im uhh.. almost done fixing everything" he replied fixing his scarf awkwardly.
Suddenly the shop phone started ringing in the other room, colette rushed and picked up.

"Hello? whos this" Colette asked "it's griff, I just wanted to let you know we have a new release of spike plushies so make sure to come back tomorrow to unpack them!!" griff said in an exciting tone. "OHH SPIKE PLUSHIES THIS IS GREAT THANKS FOR LETTING ME KNOW" she said then hung up.
She ran out the phone room hyped with the news griff gave her she just loved spike.
"EDGAR!! SPIKE PLUSHIES ARE GETTING DELIVERED HERE TOMORROW FOR THE SHOP IM SOO EXCITED". "hmph whatever.." edgar said in an uninterested voice leaning by the door tapping his foot waiting to leave.

In his head he questioned why she was so obsessed with spike did this mean that she doesn't have feelings for him and she liked someone that wasn't him? Hearing her say that made him overthink. "Anyways Colette wanna head out now for duos since we're done?" he said in a shy voice.
"Yeah of course let's go!" she said then they both went out and he locked the door behind them.

As the battle begun, Edgars strong scarf did all the work and Colette threw her scrapbooking hearts at enemies. Suddenly Emz came out of the bush and attacked edgar with her acid hairspray.."AHHHH" he yelled and quickly used his scarf to jump away from the damaging attack

"Phew that was close, now I have to wait for my health bar to regenerate again" Edgar said to himself in a panic. But then as he hid in the bush, he couldn't help but gaze at his teammate Colette.

BOOM! colette fell to the ground, blood began dripping from her nose.
"NOO!! COLETTE "Edgar yelled in a worried voice. "I'll make sure we win this" Edgar thought to himself.
Theres one more team left, showdown was said on the announcements. Willow and brock began approaching him. He dodged the dangerous rocket approaching him and furiously jump attacked brock with his scarf.
"Hmph one brawler left" he thought to himself. So he charged his super while chasing after willow he finally caught up to her after chasing her around the battle feild and his scarf reached and attacked her with the powerful punches.


He ran back to colette quickly as he got worried about her state and still being on the ground. Edgar sat next to her trying to get her to wake up.

"Colette.. are you okay? please wake up" he said in a shakey voice, soon enough her eyes began slowly opening. "OH YOU'RE AWAKE I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU".

Suddenly she gave him a hug and he started blushing. "Well done miss sketchy" Edgar said, this made colette giggle. "So did you want to head to my place to have a sleepover today? I think it would be pretty fun having one with you.." he said while looking down. "oh s-sure edgar! I wouldn't mind having one".

I still love you - Colette x EdgarWhere stories live. Discover now